Some believe that an animal liketurtle, can only be associated with slowness, sluggishness and laziness. In fact, everything is completely wrong! These stereotypes have nothing to do with reality. The majority of turtles are excellent swimmers, who also move as fast on land. This animal is one of the oldest on the Earth, therefore we often meet it in ancient myths and legends of many peoples. Representatives of different cultures honored the turtle. It is no wonder that her image occupies an important place in contemporary art.

turtle tattoo

This symbol is very multifaceted and interesting, becauseattracts fans of tattoos. Yes, and this animal looks very impressive. Tattoo "turtle" can not be called too popular and common, but this character definitely has its target audience.


The ancients believed that the flat Earth rests onbacks of giant elephants that stand on a huge turtle, and she, in turn, drifts in the waters of the World Ocean. There are many fairy tales and legends associated with this, in which the tortoise is the personification of the feminine principle, fertility, the basis of life. An important role here is played by the phenomenal longevity of this animal.

In the Far East, the turtle has always been revered asa lady of ocean and sea waters. She was credited with superhuman abilities and unprecedented wisdom. The "tortoise" tattoo was very common in many archaic cultures of the islanders and residents of hot countries, from which the tribal tribal tattoo subsequently migrated to modern style.

 tattoo turtle value

The inhabitants of Hellas believed that the tortoise was the earthly embodiment of the goddess Aphrodite. And the Indians believed that this reptilian was endowed with a magical gift. Many genera chose her as a totem.

Meaning of tattoo

All these ancient beliefs left indeliblea trace in the perception of people. Tattoo "tortoise", the meaning of which is quite extensive and multifaceted, is most often chosen by people who are fond of antiquities, disappeared civilizations, mysticism.

Love this story and adventurers. It is known that turtles overcome huge distances in the period of migrations. Therefore, the tattoo "turtle" is often issued in the owner of a travel lover.


Perhaps, most often this image can be foundin the performance of masters working in styles tribal and realism. But often the tortoise is depicted in other styles: old-school, Chicano, trash-polka. Do not stay away and fans of fashionable nowadays watercolor tattoos, ironic and colorful.

sea ​​turtle tattoo


The complexity of the pattern is determined by the tastes andfinancial capabilities of the customer. Someone chooses a strict black contour, and someone - a realistic colorful image in full size. It is difficult to talk about any trends, it all depends on the sketch. The tattoo "sea turtle" in any case looks impressive. This tattoo is characterized by natural colors, in which an animal is painted in nature, and the brightest colors.

Where does the turtle hide?

Yes, anywhere! On the scapula, on the back, on the neck, on the lower leg or thigh ... Some manage to place this pattern even on a clean-shaven head.

turtle tattoo

Remember that the more realistic the sketch, the morespace he needs. But for babies it is better to choose small areas, for example, ankles, otherwise the turtle will look slightly lost and lost.

It is often possible to meet such a tattoo both in men and in women of all ages.

Remember that wherever you decide to make a turtle "turtle", you must strictly follow all the recommendations of the master. Then she will please you with beauty for many years.

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