Khazal Kaya is a young, high-profile, talented Turkish actress. The role of Ferihe - a romantic and passionate heroine - has become the most stellar for the actress.

Many interesting questions arise in the fans of this promising young actress. What is hanging about such a star as Khazal Kaya, a biography? And her husband who?

Curious facts from her life, periods of study, career growth, filmography and other - about all this in brief and tell in this article.

Khazal Kaya: Biography

Khazal Kaya: biography, photo

The girl was born in a big cityGaziantep (southern Turkey) in 1990 on 1 October. Her parents are lawyers. Unfortunately, they broke up when their daughters turned 7 years old. Despite this lack of attention and love, Khazal did not experience in her childhood.

A very small girl Khazal showed herability to dance and music, so my mother gave her to ballet and dance lessons, as well as classes in violin. Khazal with great love and pleasure was engaged, as a result, had surprising successes in mastering the secrets of the beautiful Argentine tango. She received a secondary education in the beautiful city of Istanbul, in a lyceum specializing in Italian.

Khazal Kaya: biography, photo
As time went on, Khazal Kaya became more beautiful and charming. Her biography is supplemented by invitations to shoot various clips (advertising).

Soon she became the face of world famous companies - Nescafe, Cola Turka, Ritmix, etc.

Continuation of study, the path to a dream

After the Lyceum young Khazal entered the Turkish film studio "Islay Algan" to receive acting skills.

In the process of studying, she managed to play a heroineBerrin (episodic role) in the Turkish film (series) "Sila". However, this was the beginning of the acting career of Khazal Kaya. Biography began to replenish the rapid development of events in a professional manner. More and more fans began to appear in Turkey and not only in Turkey.

Subsequently, Khazal Kaya studies at the University of Directing in Istanbul at the Faculty, where students master the basics of entertainment and show programs.

By nature, her girlfriend is quite responsible,studied perfectly, with all her strength she took over the professional experience from her teachers. In addition, Khazal has excellent abilities for languages. She speaks, besides her Turkish, English, German and Italian.

The young actress in 2013 left for 1 year in the US, where she began to improve her acting professional skills.

This led to good results, she was offered a role, and the main one, in the series "A.S.K.".

It would seem that Khazal Kaya has achieved a lot. Her biography nevertheless continues to be enriched with pleasant moments of life.

Career, roles

Now Khazal Kaya is one of the youngest, talented and bright actresses in Turkey, who already have a big list of bright memorable roles.

Due to the fact that the first roles were episodic, the actress at one time doubted that she would be offered more serious and interesting work.
However, after a relatively short period of time, she was offered a role in "Forbidden Love" (television series), after which Khazal became more famous and successful.

Actress Khazal Kaya: Biography
Her most remarkable and memorable workthere was a role in the film entitled "I called her Feriche", where her partner was also a young actor U. Chagatai. Everything turned out great. A very beautiful couple in love brought success to the film, he rose in the popularity rating on the first lines.
Then Khazal followed one after another interesting work in the series and in feature films.

Already, this young talent is highly appreciated by film critics, and the confirmation of that is the awards and awards in various nominations.

Khazal Kaya: biography, personal life

Khazal is often credited with romance novels with famous actors. She had a relationship with a famous photographer who is much older than Khazal, Bach Pars, and Mehmet Aslan.

Khazal Kaya: biography and her husband

She is still so young and she has a period of growthpopularity, that it is too early to associate one's life with family ties. While she wants to share with her fans (spectators) her love of life, endless energy and young enthusiasm.

Little is known about the personal life of the young actress,because she hides it from journalists. Does not contain reliable data on the personal life of such an actress as Khazal Kaya, biography, and her husband (whether he is or not) is also a mystery to everyone. Apparently, she is not yet married and lives in her parents' house. Her mother is her personal manager at work.

There are some darkening moments in the planhealth, which, unfortunately, does not fully allow the actress to give herself to her beloved cause. The problem is serious young Khazal Kaya. Her biography will not be complete unless you mention this fact of her life.

She is sick with diabetes, which requires compliancea certain diet in the fight against the disease. Having learned about such a disease at the age of 22, Khazal was depressed at first. Then she took on herself, began to seriously monitor her health and even play sports.

Despite the health problems, Khazal is verywell observes its appearance, often surprising the surrounding beautiful, gorgeous and elegant outfits. In ordinary life, she likes to wear loose and comfortable trousers, simple and light sneakers or sneakers.

Khazal Kaya: biography, personal life


Actress Khazal Kaya, whose biography containsmany interesting facts, already has awards received for bright and talented roles in films of various genres: an honorable award for the best female role from the famous Turkish edition of "Ayaklıgazete" (2011); the premium of the site "Oskarları Sosyalmedya" in the same category, etc.

While the girl is very responsible and her success is not rewarded with a star fever, infecting many actors.

Filmography of the actress

Young talents worked in many Turkish films.

  • In 2006, Khazal starred in the films "Guardian Angel" and "The Force. Homecoming".
  • 2008-2010 - shooting in the television picture "Forbidden Love".
  • Two films "Behzat" ("Serial crimes in Ankara" and "I buried my heart") were filmed in 2011-2012.
  • "I called her Feriha", shot in 2011-2012, brought great popularity to the actress.
  • In 2012, the pictures were shot: "Let it be the last time", "Blue Wave" and "The Last Summer in the Balkans 1912".
  • The famous "A.S.K." was released in 2013.
  • 2014 for Khazal Kaya marked work in the film "I have objections."
  • In 2015, Khazal starred in the lead role (Maral) in the film "Beauty" with the same young and talented actor A.B. Iinemli, known for the series "The Magnificent Age."

Slender, beautiful, though of small height (160 cm), the magnificent young actress has many admirers. Now she is not married and spends a lot of time on the set of films.

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