To induce a person to commit something not alwaysjust. People for the most part pursue only their own interests and rarely do with joy what does not apply to their direct duties. The main function of motivation in management is to create a space in which everyone works as well and as efficiently as possible.

Motivation in management

In this case, we mean a series of actions,The ability to induce a person to any activity related to the implementation of the company's goals. As mentioned above, people in most cases only think about themselves, and make it work for the benefit of the team is difficult. Motivation in management is important, because it is designed to make everyone think about the good of all. For this, many specific methods and means are used.

Note that motivation in management is studiedin great detail, since it has long been proven that an important role is assigned to it in the management system. On this topic, they write dissertations, books, lectures and so on.

Motivation in management can be divided into twocomponents. It's about external and internal motivations. In the first case, in order to get a person to work, the employer must use various kinds of incentives, in the second - everything depends on how a person encourages himself.

Finding the right approach to a person is not sojust. For this, it is necessary to analyze not only the conditions in which it works, but also in which it lives. Of course, the attitude of people to the work functions performed is influenced by a variety of factors: working conditions, relationships with superiors, relationships within the collective and so on.

What does the correct motivation result in? Management identifies the following main stages of the motivational process:

- a person with time begins to feel some internal urge to perform a certain activity, there is a need for work;

- a person begins to look for ways to meet needs.

"Whip and Gingerbread" are the strongest motivatorsprevious years. The bottom line here is that good work is encouraged, and bad leads to negative consequences. Today, this approach is already ineffective, as a person gets used to doing the same actions and does not think about any self-improvement at all. There is no incentive to develop - productivity remains at the same level or gradually falls.

We all have some specific needs. They should be taken into account when choosing the appropriate type of motivation. The simplest motivation in management is money. It is based on the fact that each person seeks to earn as much money as possible, which he will use to acquire any benefits.

A more complex motivation is associated with the internalinterest of the employee. It refers to labor and statutory interest. Labor represents a set of internal forces of the worker, aspirations, driving him to the cherished goal.

The one whose work bosses value highly,will work for glory. If he is satisfied with this praise, then, wishing to show himself in an even better light, he will work as well as possible. The same result results in the opportunity to occupy a certain position.

Techniques for impact on the staff set. It is important to note that the enterprise must constantly be prevented conflict situations, various kinds of events that can help strengthen the team and enable new employees to join it. The atmosphere in production should be as favorable as possible. It is necessary that a person can open up and feel comfortable

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