Before choosing a diet for weight loss,it is necessary to take into account the many nuances and subtleties that are associated with the individual characteristics of each organism. But nevertheless there are diets that are most often used as an effective method of combating obesity, especially among women. This is also the onion diet. It is one of the few that has practically no contraindications and has a quick effect.

Onion Diet: Testimony

During the observance of this diet, the mainthe food will be onions. Very effective in this case is onion soup in combination with other permitted products. This diet will be especially useful for those who suffer from various diseases of the cardiovascular system, since the onion has a unique ability to reduce atherosclerotic plaques that are present in our vessels.

Contraindications onion diet

The main ones are: ulcer, gastritis, as well as other diseases of the duodenum and stomach. If you decide to follow the onion diet, it is better to seek advice from a gastroenterologist and therapist.

Dietary onion soup

The fact that in the shortest time you will be able tolose weight, says that onion is a very effective and useful diet. Onion soup, reviews on which you can read on various Internet resources, will be the main dish that you will use. It should be noted that this dish is quite tasty and useful, therefore it will not be difficult to take it daily for food. So, how to cook onion soup?

We take 6 small bulbs, head cabbage,celery and a few sweet peppers. It is necessary to thoroughly wash all the products and cut into small pieces, then put them into a saucepan. Then pour the vegetables with cold water, then put on fire. Boil on high heat for 15 minutes, then on a small fire to cook the vegetables until they are ready, salt and season. If desired, a couple of tomatoes can be added to the soup.

Onion Diet: Menu

So, let's look at the days, what foods can be consumed during the onion diet.

The 1 st day. Onion soup (several servings), a small amount of fruit, preferably low-calorie. You can not eat bananas and grapes.

2 nd day. Onion soup in any quantity. Fruits, as well as several baked potatoes, can be made with butter.

Day 3. Soup in the same quantities and vegetables. You can also eat fruit and baked potatoes.

4 th day. Soup, vegetables, fruits. Add a few bananas and a glass of milk (fat-free).

5th day. We exclude fruits and vegetables. It is allowed to use a small amount of boiled meat, as well as tomatoes in any quantity.

6th day. Onion soup, a piece of beef boiled, boiled cabbage, pepper.

7th day. Onion soup, boiled rice (preferably brown), vegetables, as well as fruit fresh without sugar.

At this time it is advisable not to drink ordinary drinks, but replace them with green tea and plain water.

Results of Onion Diet

After following the above diet, that is alreadyIn a week, you will feel light and see the result of its action. Indeed, onion diet can effectively fight overweight without harm to your health.

It should be noted that boiled onions do not haveunpleasant odor. And if we talk about cooking onion soup, which is part of the diet almost daily, then it does not take much of your time and effort, which makes the diet very simple.

For the effect to be more rapid, it is necessaryExclude products such as alcohol, bread, sugar, coffee, dairy and sour-milk products and also carbonated drinks. During the diet, it is recommended to drink green tea or plain water.

Onion diet is a great way to lose weight quickly and with benefit for your health. After all, the onion is the source of a multitude of vitamins, trace elements, and also a pledge of good health!

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