Diseases and disorders of the urinary tractsystems, as a rule, are accompanied by sharp pains. Medicine has many tools in its arsenal for blocking unpleasant sensations, but few drugs that would simultaneously fight the causes of the disorder. In this publication, we propose to consider the drug "Phytolysin". The instructions to it will be divided into logical paragraphs. The reader will get acquainted with the information on the composition, characteristics and properties of the medical preparation. This article is not a recommendation for treatment, it can only be considered as an information source.

What is "Phytolysin"?

The instruction for use refers to thisa medicinal product to the category of drugs of complex action. The composition includes herbal extracts (sage, orange, pine, parsley and grass root, herbaceous horsetail, mountaineer bird, birch leaves, mint oil and vanillin). The pronounced analgesic effect is combined with an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. In addition to plant components, the paste contains substances that impart to it plasticity and the required consistency. If therapy requires the use of a bacteriostatic agent, "Phytolysin" is used. The composition of the drug allows you to gently impact the patient's body, reduce the pain effect and achieve an improvement in the state quickly enough.

The preparation is available in the form of a dense green colorpaste packed in tubes. Each of them is sold in an individual cardboard pack. The packaging has a characteristic green color. The drug "Phytolysin" is released in pharmacies without providing an established sample of the prescription, however it is not recommended to use it without consulting a doctor. It should be understood that the drug belongs to medicines, and therefore can have undesirable effects on the body.

Indications for taking the drug "Phytolysin"

The instruction contains recommendations for taking the medicine when:

  • inflammatory processes in the urinary tract;
  • loosening of urinary deposits and their excretion;
  • inflammation of pelvis, bladder (nephritis and cystitis).

The medicine is used only according to the prescription of the doctor, since uncontrolled use of it can lead to aggravation of a number of diseases.

Side effects and contraindications: the drug "Phytolysin"

The instruction contains information on a number of contraindications to treatment by the drug. They are necessarily taken into account by the doctor when prescribing therapy using the drug in question. These include:

  • ulcerous diseases and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gastritis;
  • phosphatic lithiasis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, nephroses.

In rare cases, with therapy the patient may experience:

  • diarrhea (diarrhea);
  • nausea.

At the first sign of side effects, the use ofmeans stop. Patients should remember that the medicine contains plant extracts, and therefore can provoke an allergic reaction. Information on the composition has already been given above. It should be carefully studied by people prone to allergy manifestations in order to avoid negative consequences and complications.

In the sources of special recommendations or instructionsis contained. Dosage, frequency and duration of admission is determined by the doctor. You need to eat the pasta after eating, after having dissolved a small spoon in a glass of warm (but not hot) water. A small amount of sugar is added to the solution. Usually, the drug is consumed up to four times in knocking.

Do not store the product for more than three years. Requirements for the location of the medical product are standard. The paste spoils from exposure to high temperatures and sunlight.

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