Bone fractures are conditions,characterized by a violation of the integrity of their tissues. It is rare when fractures are congenital, much more often they are acquired as a result of severe trauma. Congenital fracture of bones - most often the result of negative heredity, which affected the strength of bone tissue. Acquired fractures are the result of such an effect on the tissue, in which the acting mechanical force exceeds the strength of the bone. Most often, this effect is one-stage, but very strong, which immediately gives a fracture of the bones. Such an impact is called traumatic, its examples are a gunshot wound, a broken bone, a fall - accelerated or from a rather large height. A pathological fracture can occur due to the fact that a certain painful condition significantly reduced the strength of the tissue. Such a fracture of the bones can occur sometimes even with small effects of mechanical force - for example, if a person abruptly leans his hand over something, or even involuntarily, for example, in a dream. The cause of this pathology are various diseases that destroy the bone - ostiomyelitis, some tumors and endocrine diseases.

Bone fractures are not only the damage to their bonesstructure, but also a violation of the integrity of the soft tissues that cover them. Muscles, nerves and vessels that are near, can also be injured, especially in children. In the form of the fracture line, fractures are oblique, transverse and longitudinal. Bone fractures can be simple if the bone has been broken into two parts, splintery, if several pieces of bone tissue split apart in the area of ​​the injury, if these fragments are many, and also incomplete if the resulting crack does not give a complete break. If there is a complete fracture of the bones, then usually the broken parts of them diverge in different directions. Without such an offset, it occurs only in children. Incomplete bone fractures are also much more common at an early age. Some of these injuries are often affected by older people, as the tissues of their body grow old, lose their strength. Bones are most often broken from the bones.

Fractures of the pelvic bones are serious injuries. They cause severe shock, hemorrhage and other complications, grounded in the importance of this part of the body. The victim experiences severe pain, which can result in a shock state. The pelvis is a support for both the skeleton and the entire human body. He connects the trunk with the limbs. Part of the pelvis is the receptacle for some internal organs. As a rule, fractures of pelvic bones occur due to accidents - accidents, collapses of buildings, the consequence of which is the flattening of the pelvic bones. This squeezing may be lateral or antero-posterior.

Fractures of the pelvic bones can be as stable,and unstable. When unstable, they can shift to the side due to the impact of any loads on them, even the most insignificant - for example, when moving, turning the trunk and the like. In short, the integrity of the pelvis is broken, resulting in the instability of its links - they can, for example, change their position during the movement of the body. In this case, their fragments can also change their position, which sometimes is fraught with damage to some internal organs - for example, the bladder, the lower part of the intestine.

For this reason, if a patient has bone fracturespelvis, transport it to traumatology it must be extremely cautious, fixing the position of the body of the victim. The awkward movement of it leads to the movement of fragments. If the patient is conscious, it is accompanied by his groans and constant complaints of pain. The exact diagnosis is made by the traumatologist, having studied the X-ray image and the results of the tomography.

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