If you decide to visit such a state asBolivia, the capital of the country, certainly should not remain without attention. The city of Sucre, also known as the "White City", is not only famous for its historical places and buildings, but also has a relaxing atmosphere, thanks to which many travelers stay here much longer than they planned.

the capital of Bolivia
In the XVII century, when Bolivia was a colony of Spain,it was in Sucre that the first attempts at a struggle for independence began. This city was the center of progressive thoughts. In 1825, it became known as the capital, Bolivia finally gained independence. Later, at the end of the 19th century, the government residence was moved from Sucre to La Paz. Now the city remains the constitutional capital, here the judicial power is concentrated, and also it is the center of the Catholic Church of the state.

Today, the capital of Bolivia is relativelyA small town with white colonial buildings with red tiled roofs and all sorts of balconies, from which you can see hidden alleys. Here lives a large population of indigenous people who keep their customs and culture. It is also a major agricultural center of the country.

Bolivia's capital city

Heart of Sucre - the area on May 25, located inthe heart of the city. It is surrounded by a cathedral, the buildings of the regional government and city authorities and the historic Casa de la Libertad, which now houses a museum. All other attractions are located no more than five blocks from the square. The capital of Bolivia invites you to visit:

  1. Cal Orkco is a unique archeological monument that is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is a huge wall with traces of dinosaurs.
  2. The Museum de Charcas is located in a 17th-century mansion, including mini-museums of colonial art, contemporary art and ethnography.
  3. The Museum de la Recoleta. In the XV century in its place was a complex of monasteries, barracks and prisons. Now in the museum there are paintings of unknown authors of the 16th-20th centuries
  4. The Museum de Arte Indigena - located in Zona La Recoleta, offers to get acquainted with the culture of the eastern tribes of Bolivia.
  5. Archivo Nacional - National Library of Bolivia.
  6. Museum del Arte Moderno - he offers to get acquainted with the works of modern painting.
  7. Sunday market Tarabuco in the traditional style. It offers everyday goods, as well as works of traditional crafts and textiles. Here you can buy tapestries, which Sucre is famous for.
  8. The Bolivar Park is a favorite meeting place of the cityof the inhabitants. In the upper part of the park is the Supreme Court building, and in the lower part - the former railway station, which is not used now. Here you can see a charming miniature copy of the Eiffel Tower.
    the capital of Bolivia

The capital of Bolivia is also a popular place forlearning Spanish. In Sucre, there are many Spanish schools and volunteer projects, the main of which are Sucre Spanish School and the Fox Language Academy. There are also alternative courses that involve exploring the city and in the course of this learning the language.

Sucre will delight you with a wide selection of places whereyou can eat well: from street cafes and stalls in the market to elegant restaurants. The capital of Bolivia is a city that is characterized by a large number of students, so there are many inexpensive establishments offering cheap and tasty lunch.

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