Alexander Green has a very special reputation in Russian literature. His works consist of many original recognizable images. The writer's life was as multifaceted and amazing.


Green Alexander was born in Vyatka province inthe city of Slobodskaya. He was half Polish by nationality. His father participated in the uprising against the tsarist authorities and was exiled to Siberia. Already there he was allowed to settle on Vyatka. Stephen Grinovsky, or in the Russian manner of Stepan, married a young nurse Anna Lepkova.

Alexander was their first son. He was born in 1880. The child had a peculiar character. He was constantly naughty and at some point was expelled from the school. Since childhood he has fallen in love with reading, and his first reference book was the satirical novel The Adventures of Gulliver. As you know, there were elements of fiction in it, so it's no wonder that Green Alexander wrote in this genre at a mature age. The pseudonym under which he became famous in Russian literature was a shortened form of his father's surname. So he was called school friends.

alexander green biography


Growing up Green Alexander decided to devote his lifeadventures. At the age of 16 he went to Odessa. There he managed to find a longtime friend of his father who arranged him as a sailor for one of the steamboats. In his wanderings the young man visited many countries, he even managed to find himself in Egyptian Alexandria. Aesthetics of the sea has always attracted a young man. Later, it will be reflected in his work. Nevertheless, the sailor's pale life was not in his shoes, and soon Green Alexander returned home for a year.

Having made a short respite, the adventurerdecided to try his luck in distant Baku. There he earned his living in a lot of the most unexpected ways: he was a laborer, a fisherman, a master on the railway. After a little later in the Urals, he tried himself as a logger and a gold miner.

alexandr green short biography

Revolutionary activity

At the age of 22, Green decided to join the army and thereclosely acquainted with the local SRs. Revolutionary ideas carried away the young man, and he himself began to propagandize many of the ideas of the party members. True, he was against terror, which in those years was of a large scale. Many comrades noticed the talent of the speaker and advised Green to try his hand at writing. However, he will listen to this call a little later.

Meanwhile, a young revolutionary was arrested in the Crimeafor anti-government speeches. Green tried to escape from prison. When it was again caught, a long investigation began, which was stopped after the amnesty of 1905. Alexander was sent to exile in Siberia, where he fled on the first day. This was the norm at the time. In his native Vyatka, Green received a passport for a false name and went with him to the capital.

green alexander

Writing activities

In St. Petersburg begins a literary career, towhich sought Alexander Green. The biography of this man includes many aliases. Then he signed all sorts of initials. Anyway, a new face in the capital's bohemian becomes noticeable due to his talent in the genre of short stories. Author's collections are published. Greene meets Leonid Andreev, Alexei Tolstoy, Mikhail Kuzmin, Valery Bryusov and other writers of the Silver Age.

A few years later, the police found thata popular writer is a runaway convict. Again a link that Alexander Greene did not want. Biography of the writer continued in the distant Pinega. His beloved Vera Abramova went there with whom he soon married.

In exile Green lived for two years, after which in1912 returned to St. Petersburg. Last years before the great war he spent extremely productive, publishing romantic stories. Soon this name became known - Alexander Green. Works were regularly published in popular publications. In those years he divorced his wife. When the war began, his works began to have a clear anti-militarist character, despite the then delighted over the quick victory over the Germans.

Because of this, the writer once again drew the attention of state protection. Green had to hide in Finland. However, soon a revolution happened, and he returned to Russia.

alexander green works

Soviet years

By the general appeal, many were taken to the army. With the same encounter Alexander Green. Interesting facts from life are overshadowed by typhus, which he fell ill on short-lived service.

The writer was patronized by Maxim Gorky,which at that time had great influence in the whole country as a "petrel of revolution". He struck Green's room in the famous House of Arts, where many colleagues lived in the creative workshop. His neighbors were Osip Mandelstam, Nikolai Gumilev, Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky and Veniamin Kaverin.

It was here that Green wrote his most famous andbright work - the story "Scarlet Sails". He defined the genre of this thing as "extravaganza". Soon the first novel of the writer - "The Shining World" was published. On the fees Green not only went on vacation on the favorite Crimean places, but also bought a new apartment in Leningrad.

alexander green interesting facts from life

Persecution and posthumous fate

However, external well-being ended withillusions about the young Soviet state. NEP was folded, and the revelry of censorship began, problems with publishers appeared, with which Alexander Green collaborated. A brief biography informs the reader dryly that the party functionaries did not want to see the author's books on the shelves of the libraries.

The apartment in Leningrad was sold for debts. Tortures began, which Alexander Green faced. A brief biography of the writer at that time is a need and a half-starved existence. At first he tried to seek help from the Union, which Gorky was in charge of, but the answer did not come.

In the end, the health of an elderly personbegan to be depleted. Alexander Green died in 1932 at the age of 52 years. His works were resolved much later, already in the years of Khrushchev's thaw. True, before that in the last Stalin years he was also branded as a cosmopolitan in the course of the state propaganda campaign.

The second appearance of the books before the Soviet reader was immediately marked by success. Many works were filmed or became the basis for productions in theaters.

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