Peas - traditional leguminous crops forour country. You can say that peas can replace meat, because the protein in it is the same. In addition, this product contains vitamins, sugar, fats, starch, carotene, phosphorus and much more. Caloric content of peas is quite high, in one hundred grams of dry product contains 336 kcal.

In ancient times, peas were called meat forthe poor, in addition to the fact that its composition is similar to the composition of meat, vegetable proteins are absorbed by the body much more quickly and in a more complete volume than meat proteins. People who consume legumes at least once a week can boast of the normal work of the digestive system, that is, the absence of constipation, thanks to the fiber that is a part of peas. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the benefits of pea puree are not exaggerated. True peas are not recommended for children up to two to three years, and especially children prone to flatulence and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. The nutritional value of fresh peas, as well as peas dried, is twice as high as that of other vegetables.

The fact that the calorie content of peas in dry form is very high, we understood, but howbe with canned peas or fresh? Here it's just different, in a hundred grams of fresh, just peeled from a bed of green peas only 72 calories, and in canned peas even less - 55 calories. So you can with full confidence use green peas as a side dish to any dishes, without being afraid of getting fat. And how many calories are in the pea soup? Here it is difficult to give an unambiguous answer. It all depends on what ingredients and in what quantities are included in the soup. For example, we calculate with you the calorie content of pea soup cooked on chicken broth, with potatoes, carrots, onions, naturally, peas, sour cream and fresh herbs:

  • chicken broth one liter - 310 calories;
  • potatoes three hundred grams - 249 calories;
  • carrots a hundred grams - 33 calories and onions one hundred grams - 43 calories plus sunflower oil for roasting one tablespoon - 270 calories;
  • The calorie content of peas in the amount of one hundred and fifty grams equals 485 calories;
  • sour cream a tablespoon - 35 calories;
  • fresh herbs thirty grams - 16 calories.

Total, we got a soup pot, that isfor four portions of 1441 calories, and per serving, respectively, slightly less - this is 360 calories. And how many calories should I consume per day? Determining the required number of calories per day for all people is quite problematic, since it needs to be calculated individually and take into account factors such as lifestyle, the presence of physical activity, the level and condition of hormones and hormonal background, the level of physical training of a person and many others. For people who want to lose weight, the number of calories that they consume per day, of course, should not be more than the amount they spend, otherwise the body will gain weight, that is, accumulate unused energy in the form of fat deposits - "stocks". Physical activity in losing weight is an important factor. In addition, it is not important how much food we eat, but what kind of food. For example, if you can eat a couple of kilograms of fresh vegetables for the whole day, you are unlikely to get better, but if you eat the same amount of sandwiches with sausage, mayonnaise and other similar goodies, then the gain in weight is guaranteed. It is proved that a person who consumes at least one hundred extra calories per day, in a year will add five kilograms of weight. Therefore, it is best to eat healthy foods, for example, such as peas, because the calorie content of peas is not high, and it brings more benefits than, for example, smoked and fried chicken, fish, jerky, mayonnaise, buns and the like.

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