Probably, few people like figs, but in vain, because thisvery useful product. Unfortunately, the popularity of figs in our country has increased recently, but the countries where it grows, appreciate and love this fruit. The fig is growing on a fig tree, which is able to live and bear fruit for several centuries. The queen Cleopatra herself was very fond of the wine berry. It is said that this fruit is useful for women's health. It strengthens the heart, blood vessels and improves the blood. And how does the fig affect the figure? How many calories in 100 gr. figs?

Caloric content and composition of figs

The whole use of figs lies in its composition, inwhich includes fats, proteins, glucose, fructose, organic acids (citric, folic, glycerin, apple and pantheon) and minerals. Also this fruit contains vitamins of group A, B, C, PP, a lot of pectin and carotenoids. The content of potassium in figs is only inferior to nuts. Fig has a positive effect on the work of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, is a preventive measure against cancer. Surprisingly, despite the high content of sucrose, figs are able not only to not raise the level of sugar in the blood, but also to contribute to its lowering.

Figs are on the menu of many people whocorrectly and in a balanced manner. And how many calories are fresh in the fig? Despite the fact that this product is very nutritious, its calorie content is low: 100 gr. A fresh fig has about 50 kcal. Carbohydrate content is 12 g., Proteins and fats - about 0.5 g.

How many calories in a fig

Caloric content of dried figs

Many people might think that dried figsmore useful than fresh, but it's far from being so. First of all, in the dried fruit, the concentration of the incoming components is significantly increased. Several times more protein, fat and carbohydrates, up to 50% increase in the amount of sugar that can not make such a fig more useful than fresh.

How many calories are in the fig after drying? About 250 kcal per 100 gr. That is, in one dried fig fruit about 45 kcal.

How many calories in 100 gr. figs?

Can I lose weight on the fig?

Everyone losing weight should know how many calories infigs. Caloric content of dried figs is much higher than the same figure for fresh figs. Therefore, it is not recommended to consume the dried fig tree fruit to those who are on a diet, but if you really want, then only in moderation. But the fresh figs, despite the high sugar content, will not get better. Firstly, it is impossible to eat much, as it is enough to eat 4-5 fruits to be full. Secondly, there are small grains in figs, and this is nothing more than fiber, which helps digestion and normalizes metabolism. That's why chocolate, sweets and nuts can be replaced with a wine berry. Sweet and useful.

But it's not recommended to eat figs every day. There is a so-called fig diet, the essence of which is to replace a full dinner or a snack with several fruits of fresh figs, and you need to be careful with it.

How many calories are fresh in the fig?


Now you know how many calories are in the figs andthat it can not be used by people suffering from diabetes or obesity. Also contraindication to the consumption of figs are acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gout.

Fruit of a fig tree is very often recommendeddoctors after the operation to restore vitality. They know how many calories in figs and what healing properties it possesses. The way this fruit is able to affect human health makes it truly unique.

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