sore knee how to heal

Have you ever wondered which part of the bodyis the person most overwhelmed by movement - running or walking? Some will probably think that you can not do without a foot. Of course, this is a correct judgment, but it turns out that a much more important and responsible role is entrusted to the knees. Being the main motor "lever" of the lower extremities, they are constantly in tension. And the more weight a person has, the more difficult it is for them. The load from each extra kilogram for knees increases six times. Therefore, in full people, the knee often hurts. How to treat, of course, determine the doctor. But we need to understand that, first of all, it is desirable to reduce, if possible, the weight load on them, trying to lose extra pounds. Sometimes it happens that the knee hurts when bending and squatting. Such unpleasant sensations appear only with certain actions, for example, when climbing or descending the stairs. These symptoms should alert, as they can be the first "bells" of serious diseases.

sore knee when bending

What should I do if my knee hurts?

First of all, it is necessary to remember whether there wasany injury preceding complaints. Perhaps you yourself, without noticing, accidentally bruised the joint or pulled a muscle or ligament during training. Repeated microtrauma may also exacerbate the situation and carry the risk of an inflammatory process. If the pain does not go away for several days, it is worthwhile to seek help from a specialist who can determine the exact cause and prescribe the treatment.

The knee is hurt? How to treat, the doctor will decide

Specialist after examining the sick leg almost inAll cases are sent for an additional examination. What procedures are offered? First of all, you need to make an X-ray, with which you can identify a crack or fracture. In such situations, the doctor applies a gypsum to the affected area for the proper growth of bone tissue. The picture also shows the first signs of joint deformity, signaling about serious diseases, for example, arthritis. It is possible that nothing serious will be detected, other than stretching due to occasional sudden movements. Then the true reason lies in the weakness of the ligaments. The only way out is to give time to physical exercises after recovery to strengthen the knees and the entire musculoskeletal system as a whole.

What to do if the knee hurts

Gymnastics will help if the knee hurts. How to treat simple exercises?

Take the supine position and liftfeet from the floor, bending them. Repeat the exercise ten to fifteen times. Such daily training helps both to relax and strengthen the muscles and joints of the legs.

Do you have a knee pain? How to treat with compresses, trays and lotions?

There are many folk remedies, but stillshould be consulted before using with a doctor. After all, some compresses have a warming effect, which can be contraindicated. Other lotions can cause burns or allergies. Therefore, in any case, you should not self-medicate, risking your health.

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