Pregnancy is a very important stage in the life of anywomen. Carrying the baby under the heart, every future mother dreams of giving birth to a healthy and tough person and at the same time to stay healthy and beautiful. Therefore, it is important to follow some simple rules: to eat right, not to engage in heavy physical work, spend more time outdoors and, of course, to drink vitamins, because even the right and balanced diet can not cover all the double needs of a pregnant woman.

Before you decide on your own choicecomplex of vitamins, it is necessary to consult the doctor-gynecologist. Many of them prefer a complex of minerals and vitamins Vitrum Prenatal, for pregnant women this is the solution to many health problems.

This drug contains all the most necessaryvitamins and minerals, the need for which is especially high during pregnancy and lactation. With the regular intake of vitamins Vitrum Prenatal reduces the risk of congenital malformation in the fetus, the risk of calcium deficiency and anemia. In addition, the immune system is strengthened.

Take Vitrum Prenatal Instructionrecommends 1 tablet every 24 hours, the duration should be set by the doctor. The way of application is the following: the tablet should be washed down with a lot of liquid (tea, compote, juice, mors or ordinary water) after eating, you do not need to chew.

Intended for "Vitrum Prenatal" for pregnant women,for breastfeeding and for those planning a pregnancy. Thus, even at the planning stage, it is possible to provide the female body with everything necessary for the full development and growth of the child.

In the composition of one tablet "Vitrum Prenatal" forpregnant women include vitamin A (provides a normal course of metabolic processes, regulates the growth and development of the embryo, in addition, he is responsible for the work of the visual organs and increases the resistance of the mother to various diseases), vitamin D3 (improves digestibility of calcium and mineral salts), vitamin C or ascorbic acid (regulates carbohydrate metabolism, increases resistance of the body, participates in the formation of blood cells, and also supports immunity), vitamin E (an active antioxidant, participates in respiration of tissues, protein and fat processes and prevents damage to the structure of cells), vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B6, B12 - in the complex provide the synthesis of amino acids and carbohydrate metabolism, without them the normal functioning of the brain, heart, muscle and nerve cells is not possible), folic acid (protects the mother's body from teratogenic factors and participates in the laying of organs in the first trimester of pregnancy), iron (takes part in the transportation of oxygen to tissues and organs, and eliminates the risk of anemia), calcium dki skeleton baby, and also makes up for the loss of the mother), zinc (necessary for the walls of blood vessels). Thus, "Vitrum Prenatal" for pregnant women is a kind of "wand-zashchalochko."

Like other medications givena complex of vitamins can cause side reactions, manifested in the form of allergic rashes or in other forms. In such cases, stop taking the medication and consult a doctor.

The drug "Vitrum Prenatal" for pregnant women is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to any of the components that make up its composition. In addition, it should not be taken to persons with pernicious anemia.

The instruction does not recommend taking this drug together with preparations containing vitamins D and A.

It should be noted that there are still vitamins"Vitrum Prenatal forte." They differ in that they contain more vitamins (13 species) and 10 minerals. Both drugs can be found in any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

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