In the history of psychology there is an activityan approach that reveals the development of the human psyche and consciousness through various forms of activity. In addition, the mentality and consciousness of some researchers are also indicated by activities, internal. They come from external, objective actions of man. In this regard, in psychology, there are two fundamentally important terms: interiorization and exteriorization. These are the processes characterizing the development of various forms of human activity (external and internal).

exteriorization is

Forms of human activity in psychology

External activity of a person, according toactivity approach in psychology, is represented by human visible behavior: practical operations, speech. The inner form of activity is mental, invisible to other people. For a long time, the subject of studying psychology was only internal activity, because the external was considered its derivative. Over time, researchers came to the conclusion that both forms of activity are a single whole, depend on each other, are subject to the same laws (the presence of motivation, motive and purpose). And interiorization and exteriorization are the mechanisms of interaction of these forms of human activity.

The ratio of interiorization and exteriorization

Interiorization and exteriorization areinterrelated processes, mechanisms, through which the process of assimilation of social experience by man occurs. Man accumulates the social experience of generations through the demonstration of his tools of work, speech. This is interiorization, an active internal process of consciousness formation on the basis of acquired experience.

Based on the acquired signs and symbols of societyman shapes his actions. This is the reverse process. The existence of one of them is impossible without the previous one. The term "exteriorization", therefore, means the formation of a person's behavior and speech on the basis of social experience that he has internally developed in a certain scheme.

The term "exteriorization"

Exteriorization is a process, the resultwhich is the transition of the inner (psychic, invisible) activity of man into the external, practical. This transition takes on a symbolic and symbolic form, which means the existence of this activity in the society.

The concept was developed by representatives of(A. Leontyev, P. Galperin), but the first designation was given to him by L. Vygotsky. In his cultural and historical theory, the psychologist expressed the opinion that the process of the formation of the human psyche, the development of his personality occur through the assimilation of cultural signs of society.

the term exteriorization means

In the modern understanding, exteriorization isthe process of constructing and implementing external human actions, including verbal expression, on the basis of his inner psychic life: personal experience, a plan of action, formed ideas and feelings experienced. An example of this can be the assimilation of the child's educational influence and its manifestation outwardly through moral actions and judgments.

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