Andrei Alexandrovich Golovanov - famousRussian sports commentator. Many know him as the leading columnist of NHL matches on Eurosport 1. In addition, Andrei Golovanov's voice has repeatedly sounded from the TV's speakers during live broadcasts of the latest Olympic games and some football matches.

golovanov andrey alexandrovich

The beginning of the way

The profession of journalist Golovanov AndreyAlexandrovich mastered in the Moscow State University. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Here he received the basic skills of the TV host, who subsequently applied in practice. Officially, he began his career as a reporter in 1994, when he got a job as a sports commentator on Channel One.

In 2002, Golovanov Andrey Alexandrovichleaves the usual studio. The reason for this is the opening of a new 7TV channel. Such a turn was due to the fact that the journalist wanted to break away from the usual framework, thereby gaining invaluable experience. It should be noted that the change of work did not affect the relationship that formed with Andrew with the leadership of the "First Channel". Even after his dismissal, he often took part in their projects and TV shows.

Latest achievements

In early 2010, the 7TV channel changed the conceptTheir telecasts, which affected the atmosphere in the team. The journalist did not want to continue to work in such conditions, and therefore immediately left there. And two months later, Golovanov Andrei Alexandrovich arranged to work for the children's channel "Carousel", where he was instructed to conduct the program "Road Alphabet".

In addition, a journalist often takes part invarious sporting events. Also his articles are periodically published on various sports portals. And since the autumn of 2016, Golovanov Andrei Alexandrovich is the main sports reviewer of NHL matches on the Eurosport 1 channel.

Andrei Alexandrovich Golovanov

Opinion about the profession

In one of his interviews Andrey Golovanovsaid: "When people listen to the voice of a sports commentator, they rarely think about how difficult this profession is. But in fact, only a few journalists decide to link their lives with this craft. And then, afterwards they have to come to terms with constant competition. "

In addition, the well-known commentator is sure thata sports journalist should be able not only to speak beautifully, but also to understand well the disciplines that he covers. Perhaps someone thinks that it's easy. But, according to Andrei Golovanov himself, such confidence quickly disappears during the Olympic Games, when a sports commentator has to watch dozens of competitions at the same time.

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