About what the cricket eats, where it lives and what can serve a person, this material narrates. Perhaps it will help those who decide to keep these insects at home, in the insectarium.

what feeds cricket

Why bred crickets?

People interested in entomology often breedin special insectaria of the most diverse insects. They observe their behavior, sometimes they are engaged in breeding. Crickets are no exception. And to insects feel most comfortable, you need to know what feeds the cricket, which prefers the temperature, which is necessary for him to exist, except for eating and drinking.

what does the cricket eat

Most often, all the same, modern people are engaged in breeding various insects in order to feed them other pets: birds, reptiles, small predators, for example, hedgehogs.

"A merry company sits behind a stove and, singing a song, wiggles his mustache!"

Half a century ago, a very popular song aboutfour inseparable cockroaches and a cricket, living behind an oven at the old man. What did not the poor grandfather do to get rid of annoying lodgers? But nothing helped. He even at the end of the song blew up his oven with dynamite. But it did not help either. According to the author of the hit of the last century, an inseparable company was sitting on a pile of stones and joyfully greeted his neighbor.

what do crickets eat in people's homes

A song is a song, but in fact it is based onsome facts. And in my head there are questions. Why did not this company please the elderly man? And why did the cricket suddenly become friends with the cockroaches? We will try to find answers to them.

Why do most people not enjoy the neighborhood of crickets?

For what people hate the neighborhood of cockroaches, they knowalmost everything. And how did the old man not like the cricket? Maybe it was the chattering in the middle of the night, because it's not always pleasant for everyone.

The answer immediately to the first and second questionthere will be an assumption that the behavior of cockroaches and crickets in a human dwelling is the same. After all, both insects climb on tables, crawl into breadcrumbs, trash cans, crevices between pots and lids, in packages with cookies, sausage, cheese, in short, spoil the food, leaving their traces on them, eating even here and there quite notable notches.

Experts say: if the room is divorced so many cockroaches or crickets that they will not be short of food, they can at night nibble at a person's small pieces of skin, for example, from the toes.

Here comes the question: what does a cricket eat? Does he like human food just like a cockroach?

What does the cricket eat?

The fact that crickets are friendly tocockroaches, is utter fiction. They can not treat each other peacefully, because they eat the same thing. So, when asked what the cricket is eating, the answer will be short enough: everything. This insect is omnivorous.

For those who do not know what crickets eat in nature, you can imagine a rather long list. The main food of insects are materials of plant origin.

What do crickets eat in nature?

Also do not disdain crickets by small representativesclass invertebrates. And if in their path a corpse of some creature suddenly appears, then they will not fail to profit. In fodder, these insects can exhibit the features of cannibalism. Yes Yes! Adult individuals, in order to satisfy their hunger, do not stop attacking younger and weaker brothers, devouring them. Yes, and the laying of eggs, they will not leave without attention, not even caring about the fact that by their act they reduce the future offspring of their kind.

It is clear that the bite in the case of which the edgesa human finger, inadvertently sticking out at night from under the blanket, for a cricket, as for a cockroach, is not an easy matter. Especially if this "careless" master suddenly began to observe absolute cleanliness and order, he hid all the products and stopped leaving crumbs, drops of liquids, pieces or stalks of fruit, vegetables and other delicacies delicious for omnivorous insects on the table.

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