In the most difficult moments of our lives, native peoplecan become a reliable protection and support. After the wedding of relatives becomes twice as much. Today, we are often confused in their designations, although gradually interest in family roots and traditions among the population begins to grow. Obviously, in order to preserve your name in family history, it is important to respect and appreciate the memory of the ancestors to whom we owe our life and existence on this earth.

brother-in-law who is it

Shurin - who is this?

In Russian, any degree of family relationshiphas its traditional name. However, today these terms begin to disappear. Few can say who is brother-in-law, brother-in-law, brother-in-law or a sister-in-law. More and more people are beginning to use heavy awkward designs, such as "brother of my uncle's sister's husband," or even "the seventh water on a kissel." For example, the brother-in-law - who is it? In order not to get into trouble after the wedding, you should learn that this is the brother of your beloved wife.

brother-in-law brother-in-law

The origin of the word "brother-in-law"

If you look into Ozhegov's dictionary,that the brother of the wife is his brother-in-law. It turns out that after the wedding the brother-in-law and son-in-law become close relatives. In the dictionary of Dahl, the wife's brother is also called a Shuryak, a Shrew. It sounds very friendly, friendly. With the brother-in-law you can fish and go hunting. However, there are different versions of the origin of the word. According to one of the ideas, the word "brother-in-law" has a consonance with the Russian word "chur" (in Old Russian "shur" means "alien"). That is, the brother-in-law is not the blood brother of the groom. According to another version, the word "brother-in-law" goes back to the root "sew". That is, his wife's brother is "sewn up", becomes a relative in a new family after the sister's marriage. In general, the origin of the word is not entirely clear. But now you will not be surprised: "Shurin, who is this?"


Relations with the brother-in-law

Since the brother-in-law is a close relative of the wife, her husbandshould establish good relations with him. If the age of the men is the same, they can easily find common themes for conversation and understanding. If a brother has a second half, then close friendships can be established between families, because they often have to face family holidays, accompanied by sit-downs at a set table, trips to nature and so on. The husband should remember that the brother-in-law, as a loving brother, will always be on the sibling's side, so it is better to initially establish friendly relations with him and do not hesitate to seek advice in difficult moments.

So, good family relationships are created by handsof all family members. In this case, special attention should be given to relatives who need to be respected and respected, especially if they are older than you. And in order to value relatives - all their names are necessary. Son-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, matchmaker, brother-in-law and brother-in-law ... Who is this, who do you belong to? You must have this information to tell the children about where the roots of your family and family originated. The good name of the surname will be of good service, will preserve the family reputation. That is why it is very important to know your roots well, to bear responsibility before your kind, remembering the future of your children and their descendants. For this, each family must have its own family tree.

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