Do you know how to create something unique with yourhands? No? Then you just need to know how to grow crystals at home. This magical art amazes with incomprehensible beauty. Everything is simple enough. You do not need to buy complex equipment or use expensive materials. As a result, you will receive crystals that are amazing with a variety of shapes and playing faces, in which the rays of light sparkle. They are great for decorating a house. The main goal is to get the "stone" of the most correct and beautiful form.

how to grow crystals at home
What you need to work

If you decide how to grow crystals at home, then you will not do without some things:

  1. Reservoir for growing. Capacity depends on the desired size of the future crystal. This can be a refractory glass or a small saucepan.
  2. You will need a chemical substance from which you will grow a crystal (salt, sugar, copper sulfate and so on).
  3. Alcohol or water for use as a solvent.
  4. Any stick for stirring the solution.
  5. Burner, thermometer.
  6. Colorless varnish, paper napkins and a file.

how to grow crystals at home
How to grow crystals at home from salt

This method is the simplest. First you put a container of water on the stove. Stir it, pour the salt in small portions, until it ceases to dissolve in boiling water. Now the container can be removed from the stove, then you need to lower the rope and the thread on which the crystal will be grown. All you have to do is wait, be patient. How well the shape will eventually be a crystal, depends on how quickly the solution cools. The best result is possible with a slow decrease in temperature. In no case should the container be touched, shaken or moved while the crystal is growing. In the finished form it must be cut from the base and drained with a napkin. Usually, with this growing method, the crystals have a regular square shape. You can control the color by adding various dyes to the solution.

How to grow crystals at home using copper sulfate

After you have worked with salt, you cango to other materials. Copper sulphate is sold in stores for summer residents. The solution is prepared similarly to the previous version. Only heat it over 80 degrees can not. If this condition is not met, the solubility of copper sulfate will decrease. Crystals in this case will grow longer: from three days to a month. To fix the result, cover them with a colorless varnish.

how to grow a crystal from sugar
How to grow a crystal from sugar

Everything is done in the same way as in the case of salt. Ready-made crystals will serve as an excellent decoration for the festive table. And adding natural dyes, you can give them any color. If you are interested in interior design, then growing crystals will be a great help in your hobby.

Now you know how to grow crystals at home. It's simple, you do not need to buy expensive materials. The main thing - perseverance and patience. And such activities can be a great entertainment for you and your children. Certainly it's better to create than to watch cartoons on television all the time.

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