Few of us have tried to plant a stonelemon in a pot of flower. And after all, it sprouted, and a small twig grew, but only a short time later it died. Shrugging his shoulders: "What he (lemon) did not have enough

how to grow a lemon at home
? "- we safely left this idea withoutattention. But there are experimenters who like to grow exotic plants, including lemon, at home. They love plants with love, and they reciprocate with them.

It is enough to find information on how to grow lemonat home, and the experiment can be obtained from anyone, even a child. In general, there are several ways to grow this plant on the windowsill. The first is to plant the seed in the pot with the ground and, as it grows up, conduct the formation of the crown and transplant it into a larger pot. Such a lemon (photo) can grow for many years, and without giving fruit, if it is not planted. The second way is to inoculate your plant, in which the main stem is no less than a pencil, a kidney taken from the fruit-bearing branch of another lemon. After this procedure, if the kidney has taken root, the fruits can appear in the second or third year.

lemon pictures
The third way is propagation: Cuttings taken from an adult plant are rooted in a pot with soil covered with a can or a plastic bottle with a cut-off bottom. Lemons, grown from cuttings, begin to bear fruit for the fourth to fifth year.

lemon house
How to grow a lemon at home andis it guaranteed to get the result? Lemon is a capricious culture that requires enough light, moisture and does not like drafts. Therefore, it is necessary to find the optimal conditions at home, where this plant will develop favorably. If you have a sunny side, then make sure that direct sunlight does not scorch the leaves of the lemon, if the shade - you need a backlight with a fluorescent light. Next to the heating batteries put the plant is not recommended, tk. too dry air can ruin all the young twigs, and the leaves will fall off. The plant should be watered as the soil dries up, but at least three times a week in summer and once in winter. In general, in winter, during the rest period, from November to February, the plant does not need top dressing, frequent watering, but it must be sprinkled, at least every other day. In the same period it is better to form the crown. With the onset of spring, it is necessary to feed your pet. It can be mineral fertilizers, and can be infusions of mullein or bird droppings. Fertilizing in the period from March to September should be done every two to three weeks. In the first half of the summer nitrogen fertilizers, in the second half - phosphoric.

Answering the question "how to grow a lemon in the homeconditions ", it is worth remembering the most important condition - the properly selected soil: it should consist of chernozem or humus, river sand and garden soil .You must always put drainage on the bottom of the pot so that the water does not stagnate. more adults - as the pot becomes small, and the tree, together with a clod of earth, is transferred to another container so as not to damage the roots.

Having fulfilled all these conditions, you will for sure getgood result and be proud of yourself and your pet. And for a cup of tea with lemon, torn from your own lemon tree, will give recommendations to friends asking the question: "How to grow a lemon at home?".

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