Where is Bolivia on which continent? Having studied this issue in detail, one can find answers not only about the location of the country, but also about the features of the relief.

Bolivia: brief description

Bolivia is a South American state. It was formed as a result of the victory of the local population in the War of Independence from Spain in 1825. It is very interesting to know where Bolivia is located? And it is located in the central part of the continent of South America. The territory of the country borders on the following states: Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Paraguay, Chile.

In terms of geographical locationBolivia has a number of features. It differs from other Andean states in that through its center the border of very different climatic zones passes: tropical wet - in the north of the country, subtropical dry - in the south. And they are separated by a passing earth parallel of 18 degrees south latitude.

where is Bolivia

Mountain relief

The main relief formations in the southwestThe area where Bolivia is located is the Central Andes with Pune plateau. Height above sea level is about 4 thousand meters. The climate here is semi-desert, with strong winds and a rapid change of weather. The mountainous territory consists of three parts: the Western Cordeliera, Cordeliera Real and the altitudinal plateau of Altiplano situated between them. The western Cordelier is known for its numerous volcanoes, both active and asleep. Here is the Sumah mountain - one of the highest in Bolivia (6542 meters). This area is extremely dry and harsh.

Altiplano Plateau is the only one in the worldmountain industrial area. It is located at an altitude of 3600 to 4270 meters above sea level. Here, railways are laid, cities are built. Most of the industry and population of the country is concentrated on this plateau.

where is Bolivia on which continent

Flat terrain

Where Bolivia is located, or rather,northeast of the country, spreading foothill plains, passing into the Amazon lowland and lowland Pantanal. The climate here is subequatorial with a dry period. The rivers of the west of the country flow into the large lakes of Titicaca and Poopo. In the east, the path of the water flow of Madeira, one of the largest tributaries of the Amazon, flows. A little less than half of the country's territory is occupied by tropical forests. Also palm savannas, thickets of bushes and deciduous forest are not uncommon here.

So, having familiarized with the above information, now each student will be able to answer in detail the question, where Bolivia is located, and describe the features of the country's relief.

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