Sometimes, after downloading the document "Word" or creatingown, you may encounter such a problem as a large empty space between the lines. All this is due to incorrect formatting of the document. Accordingly, in order to eliminate this defect, you need to change the formatting. In this article, we'll talk about how to reduce the spacing between the lines in the Word. Let's consider all possible variants and we will apply to them instructions on elimination of this phenomenon.

Check the paragraphs

The first thing, before in the "Vord" to reduceInterval between lines by changing the formatting configurations, we recommend checking the text for the presence of extra paragraphs. As many people know, paragraphs are not visually indicated, and it may happen that an extra gap is caused precisely by the fact that you, by carelessness instead of once, have twice put a paragraph.

To make this easier to verify, you canUse the special function "Vorda" and enable the display of non-printable characters. This is done by pressing the corresponding button on the top toolbar. The symbol that indicates this button, you can see in the photo in the article.

how to reduce the spacing between lines in a word

Clicking the button, you will see in the text all the invisible(up to this point) symbols. The paragraph symbol looks the same as the button - "¶". All you need to do now is remove the extra paragraphs. After this, the text will take on a natural appearance.

Reduce the separation between paragraphs

But if the problem was not in extra paragraphs,namely in the incorrect formatting, then we suggest the following method, which will help to solve the problem. We will now consider how to reduce the spacing between lines in Word by changing the formatting settings.

First of all, we need to get into the windowsettings. This is done very simply. You just need to click on the desired symbol in the toolbar. It is in the "Home" tab, in the "Paragraph" section. Its exact location you can see in the image.

how to reduce the distance between string words

When you click the desired icon, the Paragraph window opens. Well, now we can proceed to detailed instructions, as in the "Word" to reduce the interval between the lines.

It's quite simple to do this - you just need to drawattention to the section in the window called "Interval". Now we'll look at how to reduce the distance between Word lines at the intersection of paragraphs, and then in the paragraph itself.

How to reduce the spacing between lines in a Word

As you can see, there are two scales in the window: "Before" and "After". If you want the space between paragraphs to be non-existent, put zeros in them. Otherwise, set the value you want. In any case, you should do this manually, and there is no clear indication of how to set the interval correctly. Here, as they say: "There are no comrades for taste and color".

Reduce the distance between lines

 reduce the spacing between strings in a Word

Now we will look at how to reduce the intervalbetween the lines in the "Word" in the text of the paragraph. It is also quite simple to do this. In the same column, pay attention to the drop-down list and the counter next to it. If you want to set your own value, enter it into the counter. Otherwise, you can use six presets in the drop-down list. Here, also experiment and find the option that suits you best.

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