If you suddenly found that the child appeareda lump behind an ear or even not one, then show your child to a pediatrician. Most likely, you have encountered enlarged lymph nodes. As a rule, the cause is a recently transferred illness. If it's a sore throat or a runny nose, check the other side of the neck, such tubercles may appear on both sides. At first small, they gradually increase, but after a while again return to the previous size.

Lymph node - to the touch smooth, smallsoft seal. Lymph nodes are located in groups throughout the body. In infants, their capsule is soft and thin, and is poorly palpated. But by the year in healthy children, they should already be well defined. The state of such compaction, especially when inflammation, is detected by probing. An inflamed lymph node resembles a small inactive lump.

Can be located such a bump behind the ear, from the sideunder the base of the skull or behind the clavicles at the neck level. Causes of cervical lymph nodes may be angina, inflammation of adenoids, inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, chronic tonsillitis, infectious mononucleosis, tuberculosis of the tonsils.

Diphtheria is another cause of node inflammationneck, while they increase so much that it literally swells. This group of lymph nodes reacts in the same way to toxoplasmosis (the carrier of the virus are cats). If the cone behind the ear or on the neck is observed only on one side, then the speech is most likely about a local infection, such as inflammation of the outer and middle ear, mouth ulcers, pyoderma, furunculosis, lice, dermatitis, eczema, allergic rash.

Inflammation of this kind is not treated by itself,in fact it only an attribute of that the organism at present is struggling with any infection. If the cause is established, then it is treated, but if after the lymph nodes do not reach the normal size, then they should be shown to the doctor.

It happens that the bump that appeared behind the earpalpation moves along with the skin, then it is unlikely a lymph node-they are inherently inactive. What then can be other reasons for the appearance of seals behind the ear? These can be, first of all, skin tumors: the sebaceous cyst or lipoma. The cyst behind the ear can be congenital. This round formation, similar to a bump, inside is filled with liquid. They are caused by minor deviations in the development of the fetus during pregnancy. Most of these formations are safe, but the doctor must examine the child to rule out such a serious disease as cystic gangrene.

The location of the cone plays an important role indetermine the cause of its appearance. The tumor is closer to the base of the neck, especially if there are complaints of pain in the form of lumbago, may be an ailment of the nodding muscle located next to the clavicle. A cone behind the ear in a child may appear due to an increase in salivary parotid gland. In this case, the pig could affect its growth. This disease can only occur with such a single symptom, without causing the child a special discomfort, but can also be accompanied by fever, headache and strong bilateral edema of the neck. With such a disease, quarantine must be provided for 10 days, until the tumor subsides, and the patient creates comfortable conditions for recovery.

This virus disease, as well as chickenpox,usually happens in childhood. Having overcame it, a person acquires lifelong immunity. But there are vaccinations against mumps. After vaccination, too, there may be a small lump behind the ear or both, which will soon pass itself. The pig can not be treated independently, the doctor should observe the patient so as not to miss, in rare cases, the development of suppuration of the inflamed parotid gland.

Sometimes the appearance of a swelling of the anterior part of the neckspeaks about problems with the thyroid gland. This tumor moves during swallowing movements, performed by the child, and is under the Adam's apple. If you notice such symptoms, seek medical advice immediately for further treatment. Perhaps the increase in the thyroid gland is associated with a decrease in its activity.

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