Hemorrhoids are very rare in a child, andadolescents, its presence is a pathology. Most often, the symptoms of hemorrhoids appear in those children who move little, eat a lot of acute and perform heavy physical work. And since this way of life is typical for adults, this disease is rare in children. Nevertheless, the child's hemorrhoids do happen. And it gives quite a lot of problems to the kid.

hemorrhoids in the child

Causes of hemorrhoids

The main reasons for the appearance of such an unpleasantdiseases are considered a sedentary lifestyle, improper defecation, prolonged sitting on a pot, an unbalanced diet or a genetic predisposition (parents suffer from this disease).

It should be noted that the child's hemorrhoidsdevelops gradually and for a long time it can not be seen. Only when your child is pushing, you can see swollen knots and enlarged veins. In this case, there is no pain and discomfort, however, the disease is already in its infancy and will someday prove itself.

What to do with hemorrhoids

To cure hemorrhoids in a child is easiest atthe initial stage, but if you start this disease, you can get rid of it only with the help of surgical intervention. Now, the treatment of hemorrhoids with a laser is practiced. However, remember that at the first stage you can do without such cardinal measures, since special ointments can help.

As prevention there is nothing more effective,than a mobile way of life, hygiene and proper nutrition, thanks to which you can avoid diarrhea and constipation. By carrying out prophylaxis, you prevent the appearance of nodes that deliver a lot of unpleasant sensations.

treatment of hemorrhoids by laser

Stages of development of the disease

A disease like hemorrhoids is classified into stages:

- The first stage - small painful nodules.

- The second stage - the larger nodes, which are quite painful, as a result of which the person is limited in movements.

- The third stage - strong edema, prolapse of nodes.

If parents closely follow the chairyour child, they can help in the treatment of this disease. For example, if the baby has constipation, then you can give him a laxative. You can also make baths with manganese and wipe the affected areas with antiseptic.

In any case, it is parents who arethe main assistants in the fight against this disease. If they turn in time to the doctor, they can save their child from the pain and discomfort that delivers this disease. It's very good if your baby leads an active lifestyle, rather than sitting by the computer for hours. Keep an eye on the correct nutrition of the baby, because this also depends a lot.

what to do with hemorrhoids

Be sure to remember that hemorrhoids area disease that is much easier to prevent than cure. And even if the child is operated on, there is no guarantee that this disease will not be felt after a while, because the way of life, nutrition and prolonged sitting on the toilet, for sure, will remain in a set of unhealthy habits.

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