Osteochondrosis seriously reduces quality of lifepatient. It is especially difficult during periods of exacerbation. To prevent them helps gymnastics. With osteochondrosis of the lumbar region, special exercises can achieve good results.

Therapeutic exercises with lumbar osteochondrosis
In addition to classes, try to ensure the correctplace of rest - the mattress should be semi-rigid, and under the knees to improve the relaxation of the muscles should be put a cotton-gauze roll. In addition, there are some rules for physical activity.

How is medical gymnastics performed in osteochondrosis of the lumbar region?

In order for lessons to be of only benefit,adhere to several conditions. As a rule, most exercises are carried out from the initial position on the back or on the abdomen, on the side or on all fours, that is, the spine is not strained. In the above poses, the pressure inside the vessels decreases in the affected area. If planned therapeutic gymnastics for lumbar osteochondrosis of an initial degree, the exercises are aimed at loosening the muscles of the limbs and trunk. So the nerve roots associated with a herniated intervertebral disc, are less irritated. If the therapeutic gymnastics is planned for a lumbar osteochondrosis in an acute form, the exercises for it should be selected so as to minimize the extension of the waist, since such movement will respond with severe pain.

Therapeutic gymnastics with osteochondrosis of the lumbar region
In this situation, movements with a torso inclinationforward are contraindicated not to increase the pressure inside the discs. Exercises should be static or isotonic to strengthen muscles and reduce the vascular tone of the affected limbs and back. In addition, they must relax the whole body and relieve tension.

Therapeutic exercises with lumbar osteochondrosis: a list of exercises

This complex is suitable for use inany time, except for moments of serious exacerbations. The first exercise requires lying on the back, for lessons you can use a special mat. Spread your arms in different directions on inspiration and return back on exhalation. Repeat about five times and move on to the next movement. Do not change the pose, squeeze your fingers into fists and unfasten, while bending the foot in the soles. Repeat about twelve times. Staying on the floor, perform the third exercise - alternately bend the legs in the knees, without lifting the foot from the plane. Repeat ten to twelve times. As you can see, therapeutic gymnastics with lumbar osteochondrosis does not imply exhaustion, which means that everyone can cope with it. In the form of a respite, try breathing a diaphragm, still remaining in a prone position. After that

Gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the lumbar region
slowly pick up the right one, thenleft leg straight, bend at an angle of ninety degrees and return to the starting position. Five to eight movements with each foot, and it's time to move on. Try to relax the muscles of the lower leg, thigh, and trunk. Raise your hands to your shoulders, and lift your elbows over your chest. On inhalation, unfold them outward, and on exhalation return it back. Pull your arms forward with your hands inside. Raise each shoulder alternately, tearing it from the rug and stretching forward with your hand. Repeat six to eight times. Such therapeutic exercises with lumbar osteochondrosis will be very useful, in addition, the general condition of the body will improve.

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