Fistula is the interval between the inflamed focitooth and surface on the gum. He is both congenital and acquired. In addition, the fistula on the gums may be internal and external. Such a fistula can appear in any organ, but on the gum it is formed due to a fistulous course, that is, through an abscess or a large abscess in the inflammatory process. If the fistula on the gum is external, then it will not be difficult to notice it. If it is internal, then it can be detected through radiography. Of course, a thorough examination by the dentist of the oral cavity will also reveal this disease.

Why does the fistula appear on the gum?

Most often the cause of thisthe disease is timely untreated periodontitis. Less common fistula appears with chronic periostitis, as well as other inflammatory diseases with a latent flow. Sometimes the disease appears due to inflammation in the cyst of the tooth or dishonest treatment of caries. If, after tooth filling, the oral cavity has been poorly treated, the microorganisms again begin to destroy the tooth, which can lead to inflammation and the appearance of a fistula.

For the granulating form of periodontitis, whichleads to the appearance of a fistula on the gum, characterized by an excessive proliferation of granulations on the gum. It is they that destroy the surface tissues surrounding the tooth, and lead to inflammation and fistula appearance. Negative factors that contribute to the development of this disease are considered to be hypothermia, chronic fatigue, transferred infectious diseases, insufficient personal hygiene, etc.

Fistula on the gum. Characteristic symptoms.

As with many diseases associated withteeth, fistula is characterized by toothache. It increases with chewing and touch. When the fistula develops tooth mobility, swelling and redness of the gums surrounding the affected tooth, purulent discharge from the fistulous course appears.

Fistula on the gum: treatment options

Do you have a fistula on the gum? How to treat this fistula, the doctor will tell. First and foremost, treatment should begin with the elimination of those diseases that lead to its appearance, or rather - periodontitis. Therefore, it is best to contact the dentist immediately. After qualitative filling of the tooth and elimination of caries, the oral cavity should be well disinfected, after which the doctor prescribes additional preparations for cleaning the oral cavity from pathogens. In the period of treatment of periodontitis it is recommended to use antibacterial pastes and gels. With a high degree of disease, antibiotics, as well as special antihistamines, such as suprastin, are prescribed. To accelerate and improve the healing process, it is best to make salt baths: they relieve edema and reduce the level of inflammation.

Fistula on the gums in the child should be treated the sameby the methods themselves, only in advance having consulted with the doctor. If the child is not yet seven, the form of treatment by a specialist is assigned individually.

Remember: the sooner you go to the dentist, the sooner the healing process will come. Of course, at one time the doctor can not be cured, but with full implementation of all prescribed procedures, the result will not make you wait.

Prevention of fistula on the gum

Among many prophylactic devices directed against the appearance of periodontitis, as well as the fistula of the gums are the following:

1. Improve the quality of individual hygiene of the teeth and the entire oral cavity;

2. Regular visits to the dentist;

3. A healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet;

4. Passage every six months of a complete examination of the oral cavity at the dentist.

The health of your teeth, and the whole body, depends on you, so it's better to pay more attention to the prevention of diseases than to constantly contact the doctors.

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