Fibrous-fat involution of mammary glands canbe considered mammalogists and a normal phenomenon, and a serious disease of the female body. It all depends on the age of the woman, on her generative function. An important role is played by the patient's diseases associated with the reproductive system. It is all the above and takes into account the mammologist, when he decides on the necessity and choice of treatment of fibrous-fat involution.

Involuntary changes of the mammary gland byusually occur in the postpartum period or in old age. In these cases, special medication is not required. But if such changes have occurred in a nulliparous woman of childbearing age, she must undergo a checkup to exclude the endocrine pathology. If the diagnosis "Fibrous-fat involution of the mammary glands" is confirmed by mammography, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

In its development, the breast passes through threestage: up to forty-five years - childbearing, from forty-five to fifty-five - the climacteric and the third period - senile. According to the mammary gland, as a rule, it is possible to determine the female age and the hormonal background corresponding to it. It is he that determines the level of development of the gland tissue. Of course, that does not exist between the female age and the state of the mammary glands of full compliance. If a woman's hormonal activity is high - the mammary glands will be well developed. If the hormonal background begins to decline - respectively, the glandular tissue is reduced and replaced by fat and connective.

Sometimes there are youngeighteen-nineteen-year-old women who have a fibrous-fat involution of the mammary glands, like the elderly ladies. Such patients are advised to go to the gynecologist for examination, and then, if necessary, send them to the endocrinologist for research. It also happens that women at the age of fifty come to see a mammologist, and they have mammary glands, like young ones (usually those who never gave birth).

Fibrous-fat involution of mammary glands ina young female body alarms the doctor-mammologist. After all, such changes may indicate the beginning of serious problems with women's health. Therefore, so strongly experts recommend women of childbearing age to apply to a women's consultation twice a year. This is done in order not to miss the onset of a serious disease, to prevent the development of female diseases.

The largest changes in the mammary gland occurin the childbearing period, which is quite lengthy in time. At women at different stages of their life glandular tissue undergoes changes. If at the beginning of the childbearing period it is sharply expressed and well developed, then fat begins to predominate closer to fifty over dense structures of glandular tissue. So with age, there is a fat involution of the mammary glands. This is quite natural, because the physiological functions of the female body are dying out, the life cycle of childbirth is coming to an end.

The age reconstruction of all systems begins. Do not be afraid of such a transformation in the body. Just the tissues of the breast are gradually replaced by connective and fatty tissues. Of course, in the exclusion of various focal pathologies, a woman is simply obligated for her own health, starting at thirty-five years of age, regularly (once a year) to do mammogram of the mammary glands. When a woman is slightly over fifty, in her mammary glands fat cells become larger than glandular cells, and therefore mammography can already be done once every 1.5-2 years.

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