Today, along with the emergence of new formsdiseases, there is a constant improvement of methods and methods of diagnosis. The modern development of medicine as a science allows us to constantly improve the methods of examination and the treatment of pathological processes. There are new methods unknown to the present time. However, do not forget about the old and proven methods.

So, it is often used in modern medicalpractice and such an old and proven method as the common (being the most common) blood test. Speaking of him, special attention should be paid to the study of white blood cells, which is a WBC-analysis of blood (abbreviation in the translation into Russian - "white blood cells").

WBC is an analysis of white blood cells in serum. Absolute number of leukocytes is diagnosed.

The synthesis of white blood cells occurs inlymph nodes and bone marrow. The main function of this type of blood cells is to form antibodies and, thus, participates in the formation of immunity. Such elements as T-helpers, T-suppressors and T-killers (all T-lymphocytes) are an integral part of the WBC. That is why the stability of the formed immunity in its basis will be determined by the level of "white" cells.

The WBC blood test is a component of both general and biochemical analysis, which is represented by the leukocyte formula. By the way, the latter is more accurate and informative.

The WBC blood test allows you to analyzestate of the leukocyte formula. With a decrease in the level of leukocytes, the corresponding weakening of the activity of the immune defense occurs. Most often, leukopenia is a sign of any infectious diseases.

WBC blood test allows you to determine not onlythe absolute number of leukocytes, but also their individual species (neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils and eosinophils), as well as the ratio between them, which is often a diagnostic information.

If there are suspicions of any disease,availability of the ailments themselves, or when performing preventive examinations, diagnostic manipulation is performed - a blood test. Decoding WBC is carried out by counting blood cells.

Leukocytosis - an increase in the number of white blood cells. So an increase in the level of leukocytes may indicate an active inflammatory process, a complication of the current disease.

Absolute values ​​of these results are more informative than relative indicators. WBC-analysis of blood allows you to judge the status of the patient, the activity of his immune system.

Significant increase in the level of leukocytes incomparison with the norm can often indicate the development of the tumor process. A diagnostic sign of a tumor is an increase in the picture of blood of young and immature forms. In this case, one speaks of a shift (displacement) of the leukocyte blood formula to the left (towards young and immature elements).

In the case of a decrease in the number of leukocytes, one can judge the level of toxic, radiation, infectious effects on the human body.

Reduction of the number of "white cells" in the blood, theirpresence in it in an amount less than the norm is called leukopenia (as in the case of leukocytosis, this decrease in the index can be either absolute or relative).

Thus, a blood test is not easymandatory, but also very informative diagnostic method, the application of which is now at a high level. Correct and competent interpretation (interpretation) of the received data allows to judge a condition of an organism of the person and to reveal developing pathological changes.

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