The market has long appeared wirelessheadphones. Over the past twenty years, the devices have changed a lot: they have become easier, smarter, have received more functionality and less stressful design. As a rule, technology and the standard "Bluetooth" are used for sound transmission. Unfortunately, it has some drawbacks. For example, the transmission radius is not always great, but the advantages are low energy consumption. Some device models use a Wi-Fi module.

Wireless Beats - the subject of this article. It will describe the characteristics of the most popular models, as well as customer reviews.

wireless headphones beats

Headphones overview Airbeats

Some consumers, judging by the reviews,suggest that the Beats brand somehow refers to the famous rapper Dr. Dre. It is not so, and similar thoughts are false. All products are made in the Republic of China, and not in the company of a rapper.

One of the most famous models of the manufacturersteel wireless headphones Air Beats. It is necessary to pay attention to them, because, even considering the low cost, they are characterized by a not bad quality.

The cost of the model is only $ 20. If you buy on the territory of Russia or Ukraine, you will have to pay a little (twice in two), on Internet services the purchase will be somewhat cheaper.

Reviews about Airbeats

In the reviews, people note both positive aspects of the device and negative ones.

Wireless headphones Beats model Air have the following advantages:

  • A small price, which fully corresponds to the installed functionality.
  • The device is also a headset, which makes it easier to work with it.
  • The microphone has an adequate quality, communication on it does not cause discomfort.
  • The design is attractive. All installed buttons on the case have their own color, lighting and design. The most common design is a bluetooth icon.
  • Light weight.
  • Quite comfortable, which became a special gift for the consumer.
  • The sound is at a normal level. Headphones are loud, no distortion.

Among the negative sides can be identified as follows:

  • Poor quality of materials.
  • Many expected that the kit will be replaceable ear cups, but they are not. But no one complained about the fast wear and lack of comfort of the "factory" ones.

headphones monster beats

Beats Solo 3 Wireless

Less than this model differs from the previous onegeneration. Appearance is really impressive. The device is overhead, not full-size. A variety of colors remained at a good level. There are many options, each of them in a sufficient range is sold in specialized stores.

Feel the wireless headphones Beats WirelessConvenient, this is confirmed by numerous reviews. You can use them several hours in a row. The design is completely made of plastic, but it is, in principle, resistant to damage. The ear-pads are made of leatherette. For convenience, the device can be folded.

The bundle and new items in the device Beats Solo 3 Wireless

Wireless Beats received standardcomplete. There is a cover, a carbine, an audio cable, USB for charging. The wire for playback does not work together with the "Android" OS, although the headphones themselves, functioning through the "Bluetooth" module, work perfectly when operating from the "green man".

The range of the device is impressive. The headphones reproduce music even at a distance of 35 m. However, one should take into account that if there are several walls between the smartphone and the device, this figure will drop sharply to 10-20 m. The headphones are fully charged for about 40 hours. This is confirmed even by consumer feedback, which can not but rejoice.

wireless headphones air beats

Monster Beats Wireless Design

Monster Beats headphones have a traditionaldesign, so they strongly resemble other models of this company. The headband is made of rubber, the hinges are made of metal, the body is made of glossy plastic of black color.

It should be noted that even buyers notice one curious fact. These headphones bribe not by sound, but by their design, beautiful packaging, pleasant little things that come with it.

headphones beats wireless price

Monster Beats Wireless Sound

Monster Beats headphones are not suitable forreproduction of classical music. They are the best at coping with the electronic, this must be taken into account when buying. Bass and low frequencies are audible normally. There are some distortions, but they are not very conspicuous.

Some owners confidently state that the price category and the quality of the playback does not match. Basses are audible in all compositions, even where it is not necessary.

wireless headphones beats studio

Beats Studio Wireless Design and Design

Wireless Studio headphones have a traditionalA kind: on them the standard letter B in usual registration flaunts. There are a lot of color options, as the company often produces limited versions for sale in broad masses. For example, the model of red color looks aggressive and will suit not only the girls. Recently there was a modification of completely dark color. Classic design - a stylish combination of black and red.

The assembly is good, the plastic is glossy, so fingerprints are visible. The ear-pads are made of leatherette. On one of the cups, the manufacturer put a button that turns off the sound.

Convenience and sound Beats Studio Wireless

To achieve the best level of noise reductionbowls are made in such a way that they completely fit to the ears. This allows a person to carry the device for several hours. The head does not get tired, but the pain in the ears does not arise. Many reviews confirm that these wireless Beats headphones are quite comfortable even with prolonged and continuous operation.

The device model can be called universal. It can easily reproduce any of the existing styles. Especially beautiful electronic music sounds.

Beats Studio wireless headphones are quite pleasingplayback. Customer feedback is positive. They provide an excellent noise reduction system, a good frequency range. You can note excellent reproduction of both low and high notes.

wireless headphones beats wireless

Beats Studio Wireless wired and wireless headphones - what to choose?

Which headphones should Beats? Wireless, whose price is 17 thousand rubles., Or wired, whose value reaches 14 thousand rubles.? If you rely on the recommendations of people and their feedback, then of course, it is worth a little more to spend and buy a model with bluetooth module.

The disadvantage of a wireless device can be calledbatteries. They are in the conditions of frosts (in Russia a rather cold winter) will be quickly discharged. Because of this, you will have to constantly buy new batteries, which now cost a lot. However, the absence of wires will allow for less manipulation: there is no need to worry that the phone may fall and the headphones can pull themselves out.

Like other wireless devices, the Beats Studio Wireless model can be updated. Periodically, the company releases new software.

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