Many men are unhappy with the look of their breasts. They tend to develop them by performing all kinds of exercises on the pectoral muscles. However, often the results of long training are very insignificant. What is the secret? How to achieve high results and turn your chest into a subject of personal pride?

Exercises in pectoral muscles

This article is intended for those who have recently started work on their bodies, although there is interesting information, little tricks and for those who have worked with hardware for a long time.

All exercises for pectoral muscles can be dividedon isolating and basic. The first group should be included in the main complex about a couple of years after the start of systematic studies. Isolating exercises "grind" and improve the pectoral muscles, give them a certain shape.

In order to first increase the muscles of the chest, exercises are better to select the basic ones. These include the following:

- push-ups from the floor and on the uneven bars;
- barbells from different positions;
- presses of dumbbells from various positions;
- "pullovers";
- pull-ups.

If you do exercises for nursingmuscles at home, using a barbell or dumbbells with a lot of weight, make sure that you have a partner - without it, working in this mode can cause injury.

Exercises for pectoral muscles at home

Bench press lay with a barbell or with dumbbells,it is better to do this on a bench, which can be placed at different angles. Varying the width of the grip, you can successfully work out all the sections of the chest. With a wide grip of the rod, the extremities of the muscles of the chest work hard. With an average grip (at shoulder level), the middle part of the chest works. A narrow grip causes the triceps to work and slightly engages the inside of your pectoral muscles.

Muscles of the chest, exercises
Tips for working on pectoral muscles

1. If the muscles of the chest become stronger than the muscles of the back, they will "pull" the body on themselves, making the figure stoop. It is necessary not to forget to work necessarily above the chest and over the back.
2. Stretching after the base load is mandatory! Otherwise, short pectoral muscles will form, which are not very beautiful.
3. Do exercises on the pectoral muscles no more than twice a week. The muscles of the breast should have a period of recovery, during which they will intensively grow. If you do basic exercises too often, the muscle strength will increase significantly, and volumes may even decrease.
4. Do not try to perform all the exercises known to you on the pectoral muscles at once. Such a load will not add to them the volume, but will only increase the endurance and strength of this group of muscles. It is enough to carry out in aggregate for 4-8 approaches. It is better that these are 1-3 exercises performed in 2-3 approaches. To increase the amount of muscle, the number of repetitions in one approach should not exceed 10 times. If you can easily cope with this exercise and can perform more repetitions, you should increase the weight of the weights. The ideal number is 6-8 repetitions. In this mode, the volume will increase rapidly and the muscle strength will increase significantly.

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