Today in the media here and there you can stumble uponinformation about the drug "Reduxin" (15 mg). There are very different opinions of losing weight: some have lost weight very much, others have not lost a single kilogram. Here it is necessary to remember that in the first place it is a medicinal product that is used to correct obesity, when excess weight exceeds 30 kg. Doctors do not get tired to say that it should be used only according to the doctor's prescription. But women still do not listen to anyone and experiment with their health. Any nutritionist will confirm that the use of drugs for weight loss is already an extreme measure, despite the fact that this drug has passed all clinical studies and is considered quite safe.

Reduxin 15 mg reviews of losing weight


What is included in the preparation "Reduxin" (15 mg)? Reviews of slimming people say that when he is admitted, there is a state of mild euphoria, a lack of hunger, high activity and other, somewhat strange sensations. At the same time, many people note a strong thirst. Due to what happens such changes? And what do these "magic" capsules contain? Perhaps, having become acquainted with the composition, you will change your mind to accept them. The main active ingredient is sibutramine. It is designed to reduce appetite, reduce the feeling of hunger, so that a person who is used to overeating, began to consume fewer calories and, as a consequence, gradually lost weight. The second component is microcrystalline cellulose, which allows to provide a feeling of satiety. In a person prone to overeating, the stomach is greatly stretched, which means it is necessary to absorb a large amount of food so that the receptors work and give a signal of satiety. Cellulose strongly swells, absorbing a huge amount of water and harmful substances, which means it takes up a place that was previously filled with food. All this provides high efficiency of the drug "Reduxin" (15 mg). The reviews of losing weight completely confirm the lack of appetite and thirst.

Reduxin 15 mg reviews are losing weight with 100 kg

What is sibutramine

If everything is clear with cellulose, then aboutsibutramine I would like to say a little more. According to the law, it refers to potent or poisonous substances that are prohibited from being used for the manufacture of medicines. But here there is a loophole for the manufacturer, because in the food supplements no one controls it. You can easily buy a product called Lida, Bileit, Lindax, Reduxin, Flying Swallow tea and many other analogues in which this substance is present. Subutramine, acting on noadrenaline and serotonin, reduces appetite and increases thermogenesis. This leads to the burning of fat already accumulated. A person feels a surge of energy and a lack of hunger and without diets loses 5-7 kg per month. But all organs and systems suffer from it. From the side of the central nervous system there is insomnia, depression, anxiety. The cardiovascular system responds with increased pressure, tachycardia. In addition, liver function is impaired, nephritis is aggravated, and this is only part of the consequences. This should be borne in mind by a person who decided to take the "Reduxin" medication alone (15 mg). Reviews of those who lose weight fully confirm the presence of similar reactions, but their degree of severity in each patient has its own.

Reducine 15 mg reviews losing weight with 90 kg

Instructions for use

According to the instructions, this drug is neededuse once a day throughout the course. Its duration should be determined by the attending physician, as well as the choice of dosage. The most potent is the drug "Reduxin" (15 mg). Reviews of those who lose weight with 70 kg emphasize that this particular dosage helped to move weight and accelerate metabolism. As the body weight decreases, the dosage should decrease so that at the end the drug is used only occasionally to maintain the result.

Since the health of all is different,dosage, which one person tolerates normally, in others can cause unpleasant sensations. If there is discomfort, the dose should be halved and consult a doctor.

Reduxin 15 mg reviews are losing weight with 75 kg

Duration of the course

It depends on the initial weight and conditionpatient's health. Usually the duration of therapy does not exceed three months, especially if the drug "Reduxin" (15 mg) is prescribed. Reviews of those who lose weight from 90 kg say that in exceptional cases the course is prolonged to 6 months, but the medicine is taken under the strict supervision of a doctor. Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that the use of such potent tablets is an extreme measure that is used when nothing helps. The same applies to all analogues of the drug, which we will talk about a little later.

Side effects

Especially often they occur when a persona high dosage of the drug was prescribed, namely "Reduxin" (15 mg). Reviews of those who lose weight with 100 kg suggest that you have to suffer some inconvenience, so that the weight, finally, began to decline. Indeed, the extra pounds start to melt just before our eyes, because there is absolutely no desire. This is the only plus: human food behavior is being restructured. During the course of treatment, he is not able to consume harmful foods in large quantities. Accordingly, after the end of therapy, he continues to eat healthy food, and only treats with delicacies.

Worst of all, if a person independently"Prescribes" this drug for himself. Incorrectly chosen dosage threatens with serious impairments on the part of all organs and systems of the body. Most often people notice a strong thirst and dry mouth, frequent dizziness, unmotivated outbreaks of aggression or, conversely, panic attacks. Very often people in the reviews complain of a severe headache along with insomnia. A few days of such a nightmare - and the thought of losing weight begins to recede for fear of one's health. Completes the sad list of high blood pressure, tachycardia, a complete loss of appetite, a violation of coordination of movements.

Do not forget that 3-5 extra pounds isan occasion to arrange to yourself unloading days and to go in for sports, instead of to drink serious preparations. It is the result of such an unjustified reception that mental disorders, anorexia, chronic constipation and the whole range of problems with internal organs are caused.

Reduxine 15 mg Reviews

Reduxin Light

After the information on harmful effectsthe drug on the body became widely available, the demand for it somewhat subsided. In addition, pharmacists began to ask more strictly the prescription when selling the drug. In response, the manufacturer produced "Ruduksin-lite", which has nothing to do with its predecessor. In its composition, only linoleic acid and vitamin E. It is this combination that guarantees the processing of carbohydrates into energy and blocks their procrastination. It is not necessary to start immediately with heavy artillery and take "Reduxin" (15 mg). Reviews of those who lose weight with 75 kg talk about the high efficiency of absolutely safe dietary supplements. The only condition is to reduce the number of calories coming from the food, but at the same time provide a diet balanced for proteins, vitamins and microelements. In addition, you need to perform daily strength exercises.

Reduxin 15 mg reviews of losing weight with 90 kg of photo

Analogues of Reduxin

There are a lot of them, and all of them contain in their compositionsibutramine. This is the well-known "Goldline", which can be purchased in a pharmacy without a prescription, which is a big omission. In addition to it, Lindax, Meridia, Slimia, Reductil and many others are on sale. Dosage of the active substance in each of them is different, but the maximum permissible is contained in the preparation "Reduxin" (15 mg). Reviews of those who lose weight from 90 kg (photos of advertising brochures demonstrate a stunning effect, but let's not forget about the harm to health) fully confirm that it is enough even to treat neglected cases of obesity. If you want to lose less kilos, the dosage is reduced. To raise it is absolutely not recommended, so if you have different numbers on the product you purchased, it's better not to risk your health.

Reducine 15 mg reviews losing weight with 90 kg


First of all, it is hypertension. It is forbidden to use the drug for people with liver and kidney disease. Sibutramine is metabolized in the liver, and is excreted through the kidneys. Any cardiovascular disease puts a ban on the use of the drug. During pregnancy and lactation, the reception is completely banned. You can not use it for children under 15 years. Do not forget that health is the most valuable thing you have.

Distribution and cost

The drug should be sold only throughpharmacy network. Do not risk your health and buy Chinese counterparts in the Health Stalls. These drugs no one tested for the percentage content of sibutramine, so the reception can end very badly. Sale is carried out only on the prescription of a doctor, do not neglect the advice of a specialist if you decide to take the drug "Reduxin" (15 mg). Reviews say that he can not only become a very effective weapon in the fight against excess weight, but also seriously harm your health. The cost of the drug is quite affordable: a package containing 30 capsules of 15 mg each, will cost you 1300 rubles.

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