Young people today prefer to visitgym; they are attracted there by the desire to have a sportsmanly manly figure. But what makes a figure courageous? Of course, these are broad shoulders and a broad back. You can perform traction of the upper block on the latissimus muscles of the back, or you can practice on a horizontal bar. But how to learn to pull yourself up on the bar from scratch?

how to learn to pull up on a horizontal bar from scratch
What muscles are working on the horizontal bar

As already mentioned, the latissimus muscles of the back -the main group that is involved in the crossbar. Auxiliary muscles - triceps, biceps, chest. In general, the horizontal bar affects the entire torso, the spine and posture.

How to start pulling on the horizontal bar: the first steps

Many people are afraid to even go to the bar. But in fact nobody sets records for the first time. If you have to pull yourself up on the horizontal bar from the ground up, just start hanging on it. This allows you to first increase the strength of the grip. Our fingers and wrists are too weak, and often we can not pull ourselves up because we simply can not hold onto the crossbar. Try to hang on the bar should be as long as possible, each time increasing the duration.

Strengthen the latissimus muscles

It is necessary to regularly carry out vertical draft,which simulates pull-ups on the bar. Before you learn how to pull yourself up on the bar from scratch, you should perform exercises to thicken the back muscles - pull the dumbbell in the slope.

pull up on the bar from scratch

Negative Exercises

Negative pull-ups allow you to feelwork of the back muscles in pull-up. To perform, stand on the support, grasp the crossbar. It is necessary to remove the legs from the support, remaining hanging face in front of the bar. Under the weight of your own weight, start down, maximally stretching the latissimus muscles. Thus, you should train your back for at least one or two months. Then you can start normal exercises. Now you understand how to learn to pull yourself up on the bar from scratch. Serious preliminary preparation is required.

Technique of increasing the number of pull-ups

As a result of training, the muscles involved in the pull-ups have significantly strengthened.

how to start pulling on a horizontal bar
You can proceed directly to pull-ups. Exercise is done without a jerk, calmly. For the first time you can pull from the bottom of the support, and use various auxiliary elements: straps, shock absorbers.

Once you learn how to pull yourself togetherindependently with a full amplitude at least 1-2 times, start practicing as follows. Within a month, every day, pull up on the horizontal bar for 1-2 times ten approaches for the whole day. In parallel, during the week, it is necessary to perform back training: upper traction, deadlift, dumbbells.

Now that we know how to learnpull up on the horizontal bar from scratch, we do not need to acquire a broad, courageous back. The most important thing is not to miss classes and not to hope for record results for the first time. Many, unable to pull themselves up even once, throw the bar, disappointed in themselves and the sport. Hard work, systematic studies and a great desire will overcome the weakness of your body and make friends with a horizontal bar.

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