When it comes to the mainsights of the Eternal City, many will remember Capitol Hill, on which Rome arose, the symbol of Italy - the Colosseum, the ruined terms of Caracalla and other famous historical monuments. And not all, unfortunately, will note the most popular meeting place for local residents, so I want to talk more about the architectural structure, considered a real wonder.

French Church and Spanish Square in Rome

The name of this historical masterpiece is not an error intourist guides around Rome, as many might think. And this is by no means a staircase in the Spanish style, although the centuries-old history of the Italian landmark is closely connected with the country of flamenco and bullfighting.

Man-made work, considered one of the most beautiful places in Europe, has long been a source of inspiration for world photographers, artists, filmmakers.

spanish staircase city

The history of this staircase, completing the Spanish Square and rising to the ancient church of Trinita dei Monti, deserves a separate discussion.

By agreement between the French king andPope at the end of the XV century, a small plot on the hill of Pincho in Rome is given for the construction of the temple. Almost a hundred years later, Spain buys a site near Trinita dei Monti to build an embassy there.

The church was supported by the money of French kingsand had great importance for the subjects of the republic, and the area on which the diplomatic mission was located was owned by the Spaniards. Initially, the two powerful powers were at enmity between themselves, until in 1660 a dynastic union was concluded between the daughter of the King of Spain and Louis XIV.

Spanish staircase as a symbol of peace between the powers

States that have long gone to peace, decideTo build a ladder that will connect the symbols of different countries to show in practice to Europe how strong the diplomatic ties between them are. In honor of this significant event, the French ambassador allocates money for the construction, wishing to please his king, and Cardinal Mazarin makes the decision to decorate the top of the majestic structure with a huge sculpture of Louis XIV himself.

Spanish staircase today

True, not everything was so smooth, because the casewas held in Italy, and the Pope was greatly outraged when he learned of the intention to establish an inappropriate statue of a foreign ruler. And the grandiose construction project was frozen.

Competition for the best project

In 1717, almost 60 years later, thecompetition among architects for the best design of a wide staircase, best demonstrates the stability of strong relations between powerful powers. Spain and France could not agree on what style the future historical monument would be built. It is known that negotiations were held for six years, until the pope said the last word, giving the construction to the hands of architect Francesco de Sanctis, unknown to anyone.

Two-year construction

Since 1723 the construction of the monumentalstairs in the Baroque style. The place where the luxurious construction was erected was previously strengthened, because they feared that the earth could not withstand a powerful construction.

staircase in the Spanish style

In 2 years, the gaze of the astonished residents was openedThe most beautiful Spanish staircase in Rome, originally bearing the name of the nearby church - Trinita dei Monti. Later, the architectural monument is given the name under which it is now known by everyone - Scalinata Spagna.

Description of the majestic architectural masterpiece

The Spanish staircase, the architect of which all the samerefused to install the sculpture of Louis, nevertheless, combined in its decoration the heraldic symbols of France (lilies) and Italy (crowns and eagles - the attributes of the Pope).

One hundred and thirty eight steps, made oftravertine - a natural stone, combining the properties of marble and limestone - along the entire length of the path are not the same in size. At first glance, it seems that they are easy to overcome, but this impression is very deceptive. The climb on the tapering and expanding stairs is very difficult even for a healthy person, and if you take into account that in summer the temperature rises to 40 degrees, you can imagine how difficult the path is upward.

Spanish staircase

Spanish staircase, amazing designwhich resembles the open wings of a butterfly, is divided into three segments. On the top of the hill there is a spacious playground, from which a magnificent view of the Roman sights opens.

Fountain of Barkachts (Barcas)

At the foot of the hotel there is a cozy fountain,built before the erection of the famous staircase and depicts a sinking boat. According to ancient legends, it was here after flooding that a flooded boat was found on the square. Near the unusual fountain is always crowded, and among tourists there is a myth that it is here that the most tired traveler is charged with energy and strength from the murmuring water.

Spanish staircase architect

The Spanish Steps: Our Days

A popular place, striking beauty andthe majesty of not only tourists, but also art experts, for many years appoint appointments and business meetings. The favorite corner for memorable photos gathers noisy youth and creative parties, to which the city authorities are completely loyal.

High fashion shows

This place is loved by fashion lovers, after allshows are held by the most famous designers of the world. At the beginning of summer, the Spanish staircase turns into a kind of catwalk, on uneven levels of which they carefully defile, not to fall, popular models in luxurious outfits.

Spanish staircase Photo

These days the completely transformed RomanThe attraction attracts a huge number of Haute couture fans. Laser illumination, playing with light and shadow, creates stunning visual effects, forever remaining in the memory of those who were fortunate enough to be present here.

Some interesting facts about the sights

What else is it necessary to know to everyone who comes to the ancient city to admire the amazing structure, which the Italians admit to love?

  • Spanish staircase, photo of which will make everyonefreeze from delight, three years ago was officially recognized as the most beautiful by the results of the survey among Internet users, leaving far behind the no less masterpiece creations of human hands.
  • In spring and summer, delightful flowers blossom here in huge flowerpots standing right on the steps, and the staircase turns into a real colored butterfly.

Spanish Steps in Rome

  • Next to the stairs is a narrow streetCondotti, which houses the most expensive brand stores. Here you can walk, admiring the glamorous chic, and it is recommended to make purchases in other boutiques.
  • As you know, local authorities do not forbid to gather on the stairs and sit on the stairs. The only thing for which will be imposed a huge fine - for drinking any drinks and eating.
  • Although many sources state that the SpanishThe staircase has 138 steps, according to some sources, they are still less - 135 or 137. On this occasion sometimes there are heated arguments, and every tourist has a chance to count how many they really are.
  • It was here that the shooting of some scenes from the "Roman holidays" with O. Hepburn took place, and V. Allen took the final shots of his film "Roman Adventures".
  • More than three hundred years did not change the appearance of the business card of Rome, and only in 1997 the dilapidated steps destroyed by the ruthless time were restored.

Tourists who visited the amazing corner,argue that at any time of year the Spanish staircase is beautiful. The city of Rome is proud of its landmark, rightly considering it a cultural and historical value not only of Italy, but of the whole world. And local guides are always advised to those who first visited the ancient capital, be sure to sit on the ancient steps and enjoy a special atmosphere.

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