The beginning of the century was saturated with astronomicalevents that cause both interest among professionals, and delight with ordinary observers. Solar eclipses, a super moon, a parade of planets gave a lot of pleasant moments to fans looking at the sky. Among such events stands apart the bloody Moon - a phenomenon that stirs the minds and generates new predictions about the end of the world.

bloody moon phenomenon

Scientific explanation

The very name of the natural miracle is prettyunpleasant and even frightening associations. However, the bloody Moon is not a phenomenon of demonic origin, but mostly physical, scientifically justified. In fact, this is a total lunar eclipse, coinciding with those moments of the life of the Sun, when it falls over the horizon or ascends. The change in the color of the earth satellite is due to the peculiarities of the refraction of light in the atmosphere of our planet.

As is known, the lunar eclipse occurs then,When the Earth, the night star and the Sun are aligned on one line, and in such a way that our space house hides a satellite in its shadow. The blood-red moon becomes visible through the rays of light, which reach it shortly before the final entry into the earth's shadow. On the way they are met by the atmosphere of the Blue Planet, due to its features, it is best to pass the long-wave part of the spectrum. The rays reach the surface of the satellite and change its color. The same mechanism - the reason for such spectacular earthlit dawns and sunsets.

blood red moon

Optical illusion

The rise of the bloody Moon is characterized by yet anotherfeature. Refraction of light by atmospheric particles "shifts" for the observer in time the appearance of cosmic bodies, in this case - the Sun and the Moon. As a result, the daylight appears to the world somewhat earlier than it actually rises, and the terrestrial companion can be seen for some time after its setting.

Fantastic Four

Blood Moon is a phenomenon that someonewill please, and someone will scare more than once in the coming year. In 2014, two similar lunar eclipses have already passed: April 15 and October 8. People could see the event on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, Australia and South-West Asia. In the near future, another couple of bloody moons are expected: on April 4 and September 28 in 2015. A series of astronomical phenomena was called the tetrad. For two years, the red moon goes back every six months. The single appearance of the "bloodied" satellite occurs more or less often, but the tetrad symbolizes the sky much less often.

bloody moon phenomenon photo


Scientists have conducted a study of the rise of the fourbloody moons in the ages. It turned out that between 1582 and 1908 they were not at all. At the same time, over 50 analyzed centuries, the total number of calculated tetrads exceeded 140. These include the red moons of 2003 and 2004. The outlook for the future is impressive: tetrads will become relatively frequent events. After completion in the next year, the astronomical phenomenon will again transform the sky in 2032-2033. and in the years 2043-2044. The total number of tetrads expected in the coming decades is six.

Terrible foreshadowing

Despite the fact that the bloody Moon is a phenomenon,having a scientifically grounded origin, he is attributed to the connection with world disasters. Penetrating deep into the centuries, the human mind often finds there confirmation of their own theories. The Red Moon and the significance attributed to it is no exception.

From more than a hundred notebooks that have passed to the endthe sixteenth century and the last century, special attention is paid to those that coincided with military conflicts and persecutions against Christians and Jews. So it was in the middle of the 2nd, the end of the 15th centuries and in 1949-1950, and also in 1967. Religious leaders of different countries consider the bloody Moon to be an unkind sign, warning of future troubles and devastation. At the peak of tragic predictions, predictions of the end of the world and of mankind are heard.

The coincidence of the cruel events of history with the astronomical phenomenon stirs up the blood. It is difficult to be indifferent to such a thing, but whether or not to believe in an imminent catastrophe remains a personal matter.

the rising of the bloody moon


With confidence, we can say that, outsideDepending on the theories and predictions that want to look at the mysterious and rare phenomenon, there have been and will be many. In this case, not all the inhabitants of our planet will be able to directly observe the eclipse and reddening of the satellite. Part of the land with the best conditions for viewing the astronomical phenomenon should be in the shade, that is, under the cover of night, and in a certain position relative to the Sun and the Moon. However, for the rest of the population the event will be available.

The Bloody Moon is a phenomenon whose photo is admiredand frightened. Of course, the picture does not compare with reality, but it will help to join in a significant celestial event, experience the rapture, awe or fear, which in the long run is always experienced by people in front of a huge space above their heads, but greatly amplified at such moments.

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