Recently, drawings in the style of animeare becoming more popular. It is enough to see a few such pictures, so that the secret of such success becomes clear. In the fascinating beauty of the drawings, there is something magical. The pictures are attracted by the richness of emotions, transmitted in rather sparse ways.

What are anime drawings?

Anime is a specific technique for performingJapanese drawings with pencils. The difference from other genre directions is how to draw anime faces and eyes. The art of anime is divided into different types, for example, comics or manga. Originally comic books appeared in Japan and spread all over the world. Most often "manga" is performed in black and white tones, which speeds up the process of creating pictures.

anime pencil face

From the "manga" there was a development of the style of "anime"related to the genre of animation. Japanese cartoons are distinguished by their oriental style of drawing animated characters. But in comparison with the usual "manga" characters are brighter and more colorful.

Despite the seeming complexity of the creation processanime pictures, anyone can learn to draw. It is enough to correctly plan the stages of the image of the character. There are entire manuals that teach step-by-step technique for anime performance for beginner mangaks.

anime face

Drawing faces in an anime style

The technical side of the anime face image does not stand out for special difficulties. You can note the main stages of how to draw anime faces:

  • to represent a circle;
  • Perpendicular lines divide it into four identical parts;
  • from the point of intersection of the drawn lines draw a straight line down, the length of which from the line of the circle is slightly less than the radius in the drawn circle;
  • The resulting central feature consists of threeapproximately equal parts. Lower half of them divided in half, and from the central sides of the circle (up to the resulting line of division) draw two straight lines, which will become the image of the cheekbones;
  • from the lines of the cheekbones to draw lines to the bottom of the central line, so the chin and jaw are outlined;
  • give roundness to the drawn elements;
  • at the central intersection of the circle, represent the eyes;
  • At the intersection of the central line of the face and the lower edge of the circle, place the mouth;
  • The nose is placed on a line intersecting the lower limit of the circle and the central facial line;
  • The auricles appear in line with the nose, equal to its length.

These are the basic principles of drawing anime faces. Changing the proportions of the picture, you can depict different characters with a variety of facial expressions.

how to draw an anime face

Drawing an anime girl face

Of particular difficulty is how to draw an anime facegirls, not available. To depict the female image, you can apply the above described method, supplementing it with the necessary details. How to draw anime anime cartoon female characters? Their distinctive feature is the shape of the chin, usually acute to unreality. Although sometimes the outline of the chin can have an oval, round or almost square configuration, depending on the artist's intention.

The eyes of the girls are delineated so that the upperthe edge of the eye is placed below the horizontal centerline. The lower border of the eye is located approximately in the middle of the lower part of the circle and the axial horizontal line of separation. The distance from one eye to the other is equal to the width of one eye.

The ears are depicted at eye level, and their height is usually equal to the length of one eye. Approximately at the level of the lower part of the circumference, the mouth is drawn, and slightly above the nose.

After completing the process of drawing a face, allThe auxiliary lines are erased and dashed sketches of the basic curls of the hairstyle are made. Then all lines of the face, hair are clearly drawn, if necessary, parts of eyebrows or ears, closed with locks, are rubbed.

To complete the image, you can finish the neckgirls, her shoulders and frills dresses. To the face did not look flat, you need to add a few shadows to the face and draw a shadow from the hair on the right side of the head.

Features of anime characters

Anime face is unique to himwith large expressive eyes. Clues in them are worked out especially carefully. But the eyes in the closed position are represented by only a few dashes. Cheeks, mouth and nose are not so important and are depicted with the help of fine lines (and at the same time small enough).

When depicting hair, do not paint them in small sections. The contours of the hairstyle are outlined in one mass, and then strands and curls are highlighted.

If we talk about how to draw facesanime characters, then you can give them some unrealistic. Hair can be painted in the most unpredictable colors, ears have the most unreal shape, and other features are also portrayed rather unusual.

how to draw an anime girl face

Drawing an anime style pencil

For drawing anime pictures in the mainpencils are used, but also paints and gouache. The main thing is that the pictures turn out to be contrasting and catchy. Characters of anime drawings always have colorful bright clothes. The main nuance is the saturation of colors. You can draw an anime with a pencil, the faces even in this case need to be made as expressive and contrasting as possible, practically not using penumbra. A solid pencil is used for sketching, and a softer one for applying shadows.

Drawing an anime guy's face

face anime guy
The process of drawing anime faces of the guys is not particularlydiffers from writing female anime-images. The eyes are slightly different. They are depicted at an angle slightly skewed toward the center of the face. The upper line of the ears is located at the level of the upper part of the eyes. When you draw a mouth, you can draw a slight smile-grin that will make the face more manly. Shadows, drawn in the hair, will give them depth and movement. As the male faces are more rude, then the face of the anime guy should have clear lines. For greater expressiveness it is necessary to clearly distinguish mimic wrinkles.

At the beginning of the training, the technique of drawing anime canthere are some difficulties, most often due to incorrect proportions. However, as the pictures improve, they will be more and more attractive. In the future, you can use photos of real people to search for types, noting the various nuances of expression of their faces.

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