The 2016 only just entered into its rights, and allalready in anticipation: in fact this year the premiere of "Deadpool" is expected. The language mercenary Wade Wilson has already impressed everyone in the released trailer, so many hope that he will live up to expectations in the full-length. Well, while there is time, you can learn more about both the upcoming film and the main character.

wade wilson

A little about...

Fantasy adventure thriller with elementsthriller filmed in comic Marvel "Deadpool: Wade Wilson's War." In the film in 2016, the role of the protagonist is played by Ryan Reynolds, who has already been in the role of Deadpool in the 2009 film "X-Men: Beginning." Wolverine. "

Distinctive features of this comic book: the abundance of frequent conversations with the reader, as well as the mental instability of the main character.

What about Deadpool?

He is an anti-hero. For the first time appears on the pages of the "New mutants", the opponent of which at first he was (number 98, released in February 1991).

Wade Wilson, Deadpool, Boltful mercenary, Jack -all are the names of the same Mercenary in a mask. He is charismatic and mocking, sharp and bold, as the playbill of the new film says. Among his fans, he is known for his "coolness", witticisms and black humor (actual in modern times, when just such heroes become favorites of the public).

dadpool war wade wilson

Like many other "Marvel" characters, Deadpool appears not only in the main universe, but also in alternative versions of the Multiverse.

early years

There are two alternative versions of childhood andthe teenage years of Deadpool. According to one of them, his mother died of cancer when he was still quite a kid, and his father, a former military man, completely started himself and became pitiful. Enraged at him, Wilson spent all the time on the party until one of his friends shot him.

Another version says that the father left his motherDeadpool with a child in her arms, and she became addicted to alcohol after this betrayal of a loved one. The mercenary once even met his father, but he understood what the man in the bar was, only later.

Wade Wilson, a film about which many are so waiting,became a mercenary before his majority, after a short military career. During this activity, he visited Japan (he was on a mission under cover for about three years, falling in love with the daughter of the criminal whose death he was ordered), but because of his principle to kill only those who, according to his personal opinion , deserves to be killed, did not fulfill the order and was forced to flee to the US. There he met a young pardon named Vanessa and fell in love with her. Upon learning of his illness, he was forced to part with her.

wade wilson movie

Powers and abilities

His powers Wade Wilson ("Marvel" does not change itsthe propensity to give names and surnames beginning with the same letter to the characters) was received as a result of the program, which was developed by the armed forces, "Weapon X". A doubtful privilege includes a rapidly developing cell mutation and a large question mark over mental health. All this is an attempt by scientists to heal his cancer. Well, at least they succeeded.

The main ability of Deadpool is healinga factor that allows him to transfer any injury and be immune to any virus (with the exception of the zombie virus that infected his alternative version). It is known that there is a serum that can give Wade a normal appearance, but deprives him of regeneration. This same ability is responsible for the long life of the Moody Mercenary (up to eight hundred years).

Many other of his forces Deadpool also draws fromsuperregeneration: for example, thanks to it, he can how much he wants to overload his muscles, which means that he has a superpower. Striking abilities include phenomenal properties to survive under almost any circumstances.

wade wilson daddle

The healing factor gives Wade a propensity for schizophrenia and, in general, mental instability, but at the same time - the ability to read other people's thoughts and hide their own.


Among the skills of this anti-hero: chaotic fighting style that does not allow him to copy, perfect possession of all kinds of cold weapons, accuracy and strategic mentality. All this makes Deadpool the best killer on earth.

Interesting Facts

Ryan Reynolds - Wade Wilson in the film adaptation of the comic, has a surprisingly many similarities with his character.

The simplest is the same growth, exactly to a centimeter (188 cm). They are both brown-eyed and have a chestnut hair color. Both Ryan and Wade come from Canada.

Interestingly, the full name of actor Ryan Rodney Reynolds is alliterative of three parts. As well as the real name of Deadpool - Wade Winston Wilson.

The beginning of the article indicates the year when the name of the Yazykaty mercenary first surfaced in the pages of the comic book "Marvel". This is 1991 (in combination - the year of the beginning of a career for Reynolds).

wade wilson marvel

In general, the upcoming film is a dream for Raine. Still: to play your favorite hero, a comic about which he tried to film since 2003 (thirteen years ago). Well, apparently, the expectations and setbacks were worth it, so that at last the film was published.

"Deadpool": the film

The "Deadpool" premiere will be held in February 2016. (the eleventh number). The plot will include a two-hour history of the mercenary: a military experiment, which made his face disfigured, revealing regenerative abilities, hunting for the man who destroyed his life.

The screen version of the comic books about Wade Wilson is one of themost expected this year. The character himself was included in the list of the two hundred best characters of all time, taking 182 place there. And this despite the fact that it appears in graphic novels "Marvel" Deadpool is not so often.

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