Think about going on a trip, but do not knowwhere? Go to Serbia. This amazing country will leave a lot of positive memories in your memory. But for everything to go really smoothly, you should know which currency is Serbia, and calculate all the financial aspects of the tour in advance.


currency of Serbia

The Republic of Serbia has no direct access to the sea. But this does not prevent it from being one of the most popular countries in Europe for traveling. It is a hospitable country with hospitable inhabitants.

The tourist infrastructure of Serbia is stillcontinues to develop actively. But if we talk about luxury hotels with excellent repair, then there are a few here. But in the country there is an active demand of the system of roadside motels, in which affordable prices for accommodation and a fairly good level of services.

The capital deserves special attention of touristsSerbia - Belgrade. It is a picturesque old town, which simply captivates with the number of architectural and cultural monuments. The tourist should definitely go on a tour of the ancient quarter Skadarpia, the church of St. Sava, the church of St. Mark and the Archangel Michael, the Royal Palace and the palace of Princess Ljubica, the museums of the city (National, Contemporary Art, History of Yugoslavia, Ethnographic), stroll along the Botanical garden and recreation park Ada Tsigalia.

If you get tired of a busy excursion program, then arrange a vacation at local resorts or go for souvenirs.

In short, you can easily find anumber of places for rest. But before the journey itself, it is better to check which currency in Serbia exists today. Do not interfere and view the current exchange rate.

Currency of Serbia

From the middle of the XV century until the beginning of the XIX century the country wasunder the rule of the Ottoman Empire. Therefore, the currency of Serbia at the time - the Ottoman piastres. After the end of the war for independence, the country began to use its money. And since 1867 the national currency of Serbia was called the Serbian dinar. But from the moment when the country became part of Yugoslavia, the official monetary unit became the Yugoslavian dinar. For a long period of time, the currency of Serbia was unstable. During the Second World War, Serbian and Yugoslavian dinars, German marks, Italian lira were used.

national currency of Serbia

When, however, from Yugoslavia in 1991-1992separated four states, among which was Serbia, in the country began to use such a monetary unit as the Slovenian tolar. He lasted until 2006. It was then that Serbia became an independent state and the Serbian dinar (the international RSD code), which is equivalent to a hundred pair, became the national currency again.

To date, the following denominations of money in Serbia are relevant:

  • Bills: 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 5000 RSD;
  • coins: 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 dinars.

Serbia: Exchange Rate and Exchange

Working hours in most offices andATMs of the People's Bank of Serbia on weekdays - from 7:00 to 16:00. For commercial banks, the working day is shorter - from 8:00 to 15:00 (some are open until 13:00), and only from Monday to Thursday.

You can convert the currency in banks, officialand licensed exchange offices, in special exchange machines that are located in many public places in Serbia (hotels, train stations and airports, large stores and shopping and entertainment centers).

serbian exchange rate

It should be taken into account that the exchange rate can differ greatly not only in different points of the country, but even at neighboring exchange points.

Financial recommendations to the traveler

Adhere to the basic rules of financial security and your vacation in Serbia will be even more enjoyable:

  1. Beware of scammers who work in the foreign exchange market. Never change hands. This is punishable by criminal liability for a period of six months to five years.
  2. Tipping is welcomed in restaurants and taxis. Their size is 10% of the check amount.
  3. Credit cards (only Mastercard, Visa, Maestro, Diners Club) and traveler's checks are accepted only in the capital of Serbia and resort areas. In the rest of the country, it is almost impossible to pay them off.
    what currency is in Serbia
  4. It is more profitable to exchange rubles for Serbian dinars in Russia, here the rate is higher.
  5. The highest point of the traveler's expenses is the payment for accommodation. Prices for food and entertainment in Serbia are very affordable.

Have a nice trip to Serbia!

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