Who would have thought that not only porridge anda soup of lentils is cooked, and a huge number of delicious dishes. Personally, I could not. Nevertheless, this is so, and the question of what to make of lentils becomes not so simple. It can be fried and stewed with vegetables or meat, cook a salad and make a casserole. And everything turns out extremely deliciously and, most importantly, it is useful, because lentils have a large amount of protein, minerals and vitamins. There are a few general recommendations regarding the preparation of lentil dishes. The fact is that there are several varieties with different hardness and, accordingly, cooking time. Brown and red lentils are cooked quickly, and green lentils are much longer. When cooking, salt lentils need at the very end, because because of the salt, it is cooked even longer.

Recipes of lentil dishes: stewed lentils with smoked bacon

One glass of lentils needs to be soaked in a coldwater for 3 hours. 150 gr of smoked bacon should be scalded with boiling water, and then cut into thin slices. Two onions finely cut and together with a brisket slightly fry. Brisket, onion and lentils put in a pan, add a glass of chicken broth (if not, then just water), a spoonful of tomato puree, salt, bay leaf and pepper. Cooking time - 30 min. in a sealed container.

Recipes for lentil dishes: a salad of sprouted lentils

This salad will be appreciated by all fans of diets andvegetarian cuisine. One onion and one sweet pepper finely chop, shred parsley and dill. Squeeze the juice of one grapefruit (you can lemon). Mix half a glass of seedlings of lentils and corn, add 1 spoonful of sea kale, previously soaked, mix with onion and pepper and pour with juice. A very unusual dish turns out!

Recipes for lentil dishes: curry

Pour the lentils with cold water and give itsoften a couple of hours. Then pour out the water and pour 0.5 liters of fresh water, add 1 chopped onion and cook until ready. The second onion is also finely chopped and lightly fried. Cut one garlic clove and fry it with a pod of pepper, 2 cloves and a drop of cinnamon (no more than 3 minutes). One spoonful of curry powder is diluted with water and extinguished minutes. 3. All the spices are mixed with a teaspoon of tomato paste and lentils.

Recipes for lentil dishes: pâté with dried apricots

200 g of lentils need to be welded and scrolled throughmeat grinder along with 50 grams of dried apricots and the same amount of walnuts. One onion finely cut and fried, mixed with lentil porridge. At the table, serve with cakes and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Recipes for lentil dishes: moussaka

600 g of aubergines should be peeled andsprinkle with 2 spoons of salt. Allow them to soak for an hour, and then rinse with water and get soaked that they are not wet. In a large skillet, heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil and fry eggplant circles until golden in color. On the same stock, add a little oil, put out the chopped onion (1 piece), garlic (2 chopped denticles) and one chopped sweet green pepper. Then add to them 250 g of mushrooms (cut), 350 g of tomatoes without skin and chopped, salt, half a spoonful of cinnamon, pepper, chopped parsley and 2 tablespoons of large dry wine. Put together all together under the lid for 10 minutes, and remove from heat, put 250 g of boiled brown lentils.

At the bottom of the cauldron or other dishes with a thick bottomyou need to put half of eggplants, put the mixture on top with lentils, and then another layer of eggplant. 30 g butter cream should be melt in a saucepan, mix with the same amount of flour and fry it a minute. Remove from the fire, gradually add milk there (1 glass), and then boil and 5 minutes. hold on fire, stirring. Then add 2 egg yolks, a pinch of salt, a quarter of a spoonful of nutmeg and pepper. Separately beat whites and mix them with sauce. The resulting sauce should be poured aubergines, covered with shabby cheddar cheese (120 g) and bake in the oven for 30 minutes. Then the dish needs another 10 minutes. Strain in a switched off, but warm oven.

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