Cucumbers "Nezhinsky", the recipe of which is detaileddescribed below, received their name thanks to the Ukrainian city of Nizhyn. It is in this village is the largest plant for the production of preservatives, where they make pickles of "Nezhinsky" cucumbers. Today, we will consider in detail how to create such an aromatic snack yourself at home.

Cucumbers "Nezhinsky": recipe for winter preparation
cucumbers nezhin recipe

Necessary ingredients:

  • onion white onion - 750 g;
  • fresh cucumbers without bitterness - 1,2 kg;
  • dill freshly sowed - 20 g;
  • table salt - ¾ dessert spoon;
  • sugar - ½ spoon;
  • vinegar 6% apple - 2 large spoons;
  • bay leaves - 1 pc. on the bank;
  • black fragrant pepper peas - 3 pcs. on each jar.

The right choice of vegetables

Pickling cucumbers for the winter, recipes are alwayssimple, should only be done with freshly harvested vegetables. For such a preparation suitable small cucumbers that have a soft skin without the presence of bitterness. Onions for this snack are best to get white and sweet.

Processing of main components

pickled cucumbers for the winter
Before picking cucumbers pickled onwinter, they should be soaked in cold water for 1 hour, and then washed well, free of tails and cut into circles to a thickness of up to 5 millimeters. Next, you need to clean the heads of onions and shred them with thin semirings. You also need to chop the fresh fennel. After that, all the ingredients should be mixed with a hand in one dish, and then add to them 6% apple cider vinegar, table salt and granulated sugar.

Forming the workpiece

Cucumbers "Nezhinsky", the recipe of whichprovides for the use of only fresh vegetables, should be laid out in 750-gram or half-liter cans. However, before this, one should throw 1 laurel leaf and 3 peas of black fragrant pepper into the dishes. After the cucumbers are placed in jars, they should immediately be filled with steep boiling water, not reaching the edges of 2 centimeters, and soak in it for 20-23 minutes.

Sterilization of the workpiece

pickling cucumbers for winter recipes
Completely decorated workpiece requiredPut in a saucepan or a metal basin with warm water, and then bring it to a boil and sterilize the jars for 9-11 minutes. After that, cucumbers should immediately be covered with lids and corked with a special sealing device. Further, hot jars should be put upside down on a towel and covered with a dense old blanket. In this position, the blanks should remain until they cool down (approximately 20-24 hours).

Cucumbers "Nezhinsky", the recipe of which we todayconsidered, should be stored in a cool room. For this purpose, a cellar, a cellar or a refrigerator is ideal. Such a home preparation will be usable only after 4 or 5 weeks. During this time, fresh vegetables will absorb the whole marinade, will become very tasty, crispy and fragrant. To serve such a snack to the table follows in a cooled state with the first or second dishes.

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