how to hide chrysanthemums for winter
Chrysanthemum is a flower that has a millennialhistory. The first mention of him belong to the XV century BC. e. Chinese and Japanese philosophers and scientists celebrated this beautiful flower in their works. And today it is very popular among gardeners due to the huge variety of varieties and species. He is quite unpretentious and can be grown both in pots and on the street. How to hide the chrysanthemums for the winter, so that they can enjoy their magnificent flowering next year? This issue is of concern to many growers. The choice of the method of wintering chrysanthemums depends on a variety of factors: the weather conditions in your region, the plant variety, and how you took care of it during the summer. There are three options for answering the question of how to cover the winter chrysanthemums. It can be wintering in the open air, in a cellar or in a specially prepared trench. All of the above methods have common stages.

The first steps to prepare chrysanthemums for the winterbegin to take in the end of August - early September. At this time, they must be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer to improve frost resistance.

The second stage is as follows: faded chrysanthemums must be cut to a height of 10-15 cm from the ground. This is done no earlier than night frosts will become regular. A little cooling will save the plant from various infections and diseases.

how to cover chrysanthemums
How to cover chrysanthemums, hibernating in the open ground?

For wintering in open ground it is possible to leavechrysanthemums with small flowers, Korean chrysanthemums, as well as chrysanthemums of domestic selection. They should be ground as high as possible. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that there are no pits around the plant where water can accumulate. This leads to the extinction of plants and their subsequent death. The next steps depend on the climatic features of the region. In the presence of a large amount of snow chrysanthemum will be quite comfortable and without a specially created shelter. But if in the winter frequent thaws with subsequent frosts are likely, it is necessary to protect the plant. How to cover chrysanthemums for the winter with minimal costs? To do this, you can use straw, fallen leaves, lapnik, and for building a homemade "house" - bricks, pieces of slate or cardboard.

how to cover chrysanthemums for the winter
How to hide chrysanthemums in the room for winter?

If the chrysanthemum grew in a pot, it blossoms in largeflowers or "foreign woman", it is better to bring it into the premises for the winter. Ideally for storage in winter, a basement or basement with a temperature of not more than 10 degrees and humidity of 70-75% will do.

In northern regions, chrysanthemums are often stored intrenches with a width and depth of 70 cm and 50 cm, respectively. Plants cover with a sheet of slate and sprinkle the top with a 10-centimeter layer of earth. The disadvantage of this method is that when the plant wakes up in the spring, the leaves become elongated because of a lack of light.

In order not to be tormented by doubts about howfor winter to cover chrysanthemums, and to be 100% sure of the preservation of particularly valuable varieties, you can leave each plant variety for winter in all three ways.

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