For the normal maintenance of the airthe natural circulation of air masses must take place in it, so that the moist air will escape naturally. This is especially important for all types of premises located in the ground (cellar, garage pit, basement floor and so on), since in case of insufficient exchange the air becomes stale and stale, a feeling of dampness appears, and condensation droplets appear on the walls of the room. For this reason, the ventilation of the cellar is especially important, since it is intended for storage of fruits and vegetables, and for them the correct temperature regime and humidity are the main parameters of safety.

There are several types of ventilation, amongwhich distinguish between natural and compulsory. The natural occurs due to the difference in the pressure of the air masses inside and outside the building, and when installing it the installation of a vertical vent pipe is the main thing. Here it is important to pay attention to the fact that the pipe should go above the zone of wind pressure, because otherwise there is a risk of rollover of the link. Forced ventilation of the cellar is the same pipes, a cross section of at least 150 mm, in which fans are built to carry out air exchange in the basement.

For ventilation, twopipes - exhaust and supply, and they are located in different levels. The opening of the supply pipe is located in the corner of the lower part of the room, at a distance of 40-50 cm from the floor. In the opposite corner, but already under the ceiling, there is an exhaust pipe along which the old air will escape. This is the most correct design, thanks to which you will have a natural ventilation of the cellar, as a result of which it will always be dry. In the upper pipe, it is also possible to additionally install a valve, by means of which it is possible to regulate the movement of the air on its own, slightly covering it during strong winds and frost.

For the ventilation device, you can useplastic or asbestos-cement pipes, and the ventilation openings need not necessarily be circular. If you want, you can knock down vertical boxes from the boards yourself, through which the air will also successfully circulate. However, in this case, the boards should necessarily be covered with hot bitumen to protect against the accumulation of moist air on the tree. The upper part of the duct or pipes is also recommended to be insulated to prevent condensation from flowing down the inside of the pipe due to the temperature difference. And most importantly, remember that proper ventilation of the cellar is a pledge not only for the quality storage of products, but also for ensuring a favorable indoor climate.

In addition to all of the above,that the cross-section of the pipe should be chosen depending on the area of ​​the room. If the cellar has an area of ​​708 m2, its section of 120 mm will be sufficient. In some cases, ventilation in the cellar is carried out by one pipe, which can also be seen in many cellars or cellars. Of course, with such a device the air exchange rate will be less, but if the cross-section is increased to 180 mm, the result can be the same as for two pipes with a section of 120 mm. Much depends also on the location in which the cellar, wind and weather conditions are located.

If you have a garage with a pit, then it alsoshould provide for natural or forced air exchange, depending on your desire and capabilities. Ventilation of the cellar in the garage plays an important role not only for the products that are stored in it, but also for the car, since it is nothing worse than the wet and stale air. Always remember that the optimum level of humidity is needed not only for long-term storage of food, but for a person, because it also affects your health - your and your loved ones.

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