Room flowers decorate the house, making it cozy andharmony. They purify the air and infinitely pleasing with lush greenery and blossoming flowers. But there are plants that do not have a place near people and pets. Which plants are best to remove from the nursery and the bedroom and which flower can not be kept at home in any case?

What harm can the indoor flowers bring?

Among the huge variety of indoor plantsthere are those that growers avoid to keep in their house. There are three main reasons for such dislike: popular signs, incredible difficulty in care, the desire to protect domesticated from poisonous plants.

what flower can not be kept at home
Traditions of antiquity

From ancient times people believed in close interconnectionanimal and plant life, continue to believe even now. Speak about what plants can not be kept at home so as not to bring disaster, say psychics on TV, old ladies at the entrance, colleagues at work. The champion of antireytinga - cactus. Arguments against him are strong:

The husband will not

If the husband is, then sopetsya

There will be no money, happiness, passion and love

Yeah, what a flower you can not keep at home - so it's him. In justification of thorns, you can argue that cacti help overcome shyness, build a sleep and absorb the radiation of electrical appliances.

On an honorable second place - ivy and other creepers. They are suspected of parasitism on a person's aura and distortion of domestic energy. The main charges are:

Can grow only among women, so he throws all the men out of the house

Generates lies and mistrust in families

At night, sucks people out of energy

Poor poor ivy, of course, to blame, but that's only from a good wife, her husband can not be driven out with a stick, that he is already some sort of flowers.

Bronze medalists - asparagus, ficus, cypress. Accused:

In vampirism

In making strife in strong families

In that they bring trouble

According to another version, the ficus helps women become pregnant, protects from poverty, helps to overcome stress.

Thinking judiciously, one can advise one thing: everyone must keep flowers at home, which he really liked. And suspicious - throw out!

Continuous whims

There are flowers that are enough to stick into the ground andOnce a week to water. There are others - real tyrants, subordinating the whole house to their graphics and rhythm. What houseplants can not be kept at home without providing them with ideal living conditions? Who are they, these beautiful sissies, caring for which requires colossal devotion?

Top capricious plants are headed by mimosabashful. She adores the sun, but after a few cloudy days, the direct hit of the rays causes her to burn. In winter, it should be kept at 15-18º, which is not very comfortable for owners, especially with high humidity (80%). He likes watering, but does not like stagnant water. By the way, the water is only suitable for permanent use!

what plants can not be kept at home

Needs constant fertilizing and spraying. And even if you create all the conditions for it, in gratitude for the work done to the winter, it can safely wither.

Very complex tropical beauty vanda, onefrom the most charming orchids. Her motto: "There is no sun - there are no flowers!", But from 11 to 15 hours it should be pritenyat not to burn the leaves. She needs changes in the daytime and night temperatures, and not sharp, but gradual. If the air is colder + 20º, it will not bloom.

Followed by: azalea, able to freeze its hosts in the name of flowers of unearthly beauty, capricious fuchsia, graceful camellia, in need of greenhouse conditions of diplapia, suffering from invasions of gardenia parasites.

What flower can not be kept at home for reasonable reasons? Any of the above. They are designed for the most sophisticated florists, true connoisseurs of their craft.

We will provide security to relatives

There is a group of plants, beautiful and strong, whichIt is not necessary to start a home for quite specific reasons. They are poisonous. You can not risk the health of loved ones for the effective interior solution. Especially if the house has children of any age and animals, with the exception of fish:

what house plants can not be kept at home
- Azalea.

- Amaryllis.

- Dieffenbachia.

- Oleander.

- Nightshade.

- Alocasia.

- Dathura.

- Singonium.

- Anthurium.

- Caladium.

- Lily.

- Philodendron.

- Akalifa.

There will not be a rating, which flower can not be kept at home, and which one is still possible. Their names must be known, to refrain from buying new plants and get rid of the flowers already available.

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