The appearance of a baby in the light is a great miracle,joy and happiness for his parents. Even if this is not the first child in the family, the birth of a crumb is always a big holiday. But for the baby at this moment begins a difficult stage of life - the knowledge of such a large and unfamiliar world. From skill to skill, it develops and increasingly controls its movements.

Young parents are waiting for the child to learn a lotliterature, in order to know how their kid develops at every stage of intrauterine existence and after birth. Every mom is interested in how many children begin to turn over, hold the head, sit and agukat. And how much joy and pride parents feel when their crumbs learn new movements or begin to babble!

how many children start turning over

So how many children start to roll overback and tummy? At the age of about three months the baby tries to turn over, but often he has to make a coup only in one direction, because his muscles are not yet developed enough to carry it to the right and left. But the cranium's backbone must grow and develop symmetrically, so parents should help the child master the stage of turning over in one direction and in the other. Put the exact date and age, how many children start turning over, it's impossible, it all depends on the baby. Someone confidently carries out these movements to 5 months, and someone - only in 6 months. All that parents should do is provide the child with the right regimen, strengthening gymnastics, walking and sunbathing. It is worth noting that when the coup is working, the baby has the same muscles as when crawling, so it is very important to help the child and develop these groups. When the infant's muscular corset becomes stronger, he will independently begin to attempt to sit down and crawl.

what time do children begin to grow

Sometimes it happens that the child does not pass at allstage of turning and immediately tries to take a vertical position. The question of how much children start to sit does not have a definite answer either, because all babies develop with individual characteristics, someone has a stronger muscular corset than the bone corset, while others have the opposite. It is not necessary to argue with nature on this matter and to put the child in cushions at an early age, this does not help him to master this task, but, on the contrary, may be harmful to very soft spine bones. The optimal period for self-sitting pediatricians consider six months.

how many children start to sit

Also individual development of each childaffects the ability to make different sounds. Therefore, it is impossible to put an exact time limit, in how many children begin to agukat. Usually kids start to walk to two months, but this is the cherished first word "mom" the child will say closer to 9 months.

Undoubtedly, every stage and new learned skill -this is a very important event in the life of crumbs and his parents. Questions about how much children start to turn around, sit or agukat, and worries about a skill that the kid has not yet mastered, are quite understandable, but one should not rush and demand from the child what he is not ready for. After all, nature is like that, and everything comes in due time, but it is for everyone its own.

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