Freesia is a plant from South Africa. It has fragrant flowers with a delicate and expressive aroma and a huge palette of hues - from snow-white to purple. This perennial plant can be grown in a greenhouse or outdoors in a subtropical climate.

bridal bouquet of freesias

A bit of history

The fragrant freesia flower got its name inthe honor of the botanist and doctor Fraz. In his homeland (South Africa), he grows on a wet shore near the water. The stem is completely missing leaves, only its top is crowned with inflorescences of 3-5 pieces. The idea to collect these flowers in bouquets was born relatively recently - in the early nineteenth century. But in those days, a bouquet of freesias could not afford to everyone - it was very expensive.

The value of a flower

These wonderful flowers have long been a symbol of sincerity and trust. Florists use it when someone needs to say in the language of flowers words of gratitude and gratitude.

brides bouquet from freesias
From the history of the wedding bouquet

If today a bouquet of the bride is a romanticattribute, it used to be of magical significance. In Russia, the bride collected a bouquet of garlic and other strong-smelling plants to scare off evil spirits. In ancient Greece, the bride was weaved with ivy, symbolizing eternal love. In Spain in the hands of the girl there should be twigs of citrus trees. Since the eighteenth century in Europe, the bride was invariably adorned with flowers of orange trees. And today in many countries people's traditions are carefully preserved. For example, all English brides still go out to the guests with a small bouquet of forget-me-nots or charming pansies. A bride from a higher society will definitely add a myrtle twig to her bouquet. As they say, this tradition was introduced by Queen Victoria.

Bouquet of freesias at the wedding

In recent years, our country has become veryA strict and elegant wedding bouquet of freesias is popular. It is not just a flower arrangement, it is a symbol of refinement, aristocracy and tenderness. The bouquet of the bride from the freesias will give her a unique charm and lightness, turn her into a fairy princess. These are unique flowers - they are able to maintain their unique flavor and freshness for ten days after the cut.

Bouquet of white freesias

If a wedding bouquet of freesias is madeonly from white flowers, it will become a symbol of the angelic purity and innocence of the bride, during the whole celebration will draw to itself the eyes of all present.

bouquet of freesias
Combination with other colors

You can make a luxurious wedding bouquet of freesias, adding roses, orchids and a little greens to them. The rigor and aristocracy of freesias, the chic of roses and the tenderness of orchids will create an unsurpassed composition.

Allergy to freesia

As already mentioned, freesia is a flowerTropical, which has a gentle, but strong enough smell. The bride will inhale it throughout the celebration, therefore, when purchasing a wedding bouquet from freesias, you must take into account the characteristics of your body. If at one time you had manifestations of allergic reactions, then it is better to refuse such a bouquet.

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