It's no secret that depending on the mentality of the peopleliving in a certain country, they develop their traditions and foundations. These same principles apply to management. But in the context of close intertwining of economic ties between the countries, it is not rare to consider not a single country, but several countries united by some economic contracts and obligations or in close interaction with each other.

One of such striking examples is the European model of management. Let us consider the foundations of the origin of such a model and its origins.

It should be noted immediately that a serious push toThe development of such a concept as a European model of management was given by the British. They exerted a noticeable influence on the formation of the model. Among the founders who first formed their model-the English model of management can be identified L. Urvik, and R. Falk. It was they who dealt with the principles of management.
Active Development European Management Modelreceived in the 40-ies of the last century. It was at this time that we had to make important decisions aimed at realizing military and strategic tasks.

In the postwar years, the main researchers inmanagement shifted the center of research in the United States. However, this at all meant that the Western European model of management ceased to exist and turned into an American one. In fact, apart from England and other countries, studies on this topic have been conducted. So in France these questions of management were dealt with by the well-known brothers Andre and Eduard Michelin, Henri Louis Le Chatelier, Charles Freeman-Vil.

In Germany, management issues are activelyengaged in such famous personalities as sociologist Max Weber. It was his research that helped to bring such concepts as the "ideal type" in an administrative organization in the West European management model, also called "bureaucracy". Similarly, the work of Carol Adamecki has undoubtedly made a significant contribution to the development of management in Europe.

The European management model was different fromsimilar models developed in the US and Japan more rigorous approach to human resources management. In addition, in many European countries such as: Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Holland actively developed the principles of management, which allowed even the employee to take part in this directly. In addition, the European model of management has actively developed in the direction of studying the behavior of people when they are influenced by collective or group behavior. Thus, this model even from its origins provided for the status of a "social person".

Describing European management can not bemention such a person as German Chancellor Ludwig Erhard. Before that, he worked as a minister of economics, a scientist and a politician. And it was under his leadership that Germany in the post-war years achieved an economic boom called many by miracle. The concept of Erhard known as the "Social Market Economy" consists of two provisions:

  1. Strengthening the regulation of processes on the part of the state in all spheres and branches of management.
  2. Elimination of directive planning and transition to indicative planning. It involves the development of plans and indicators, the achievement of which is desirable and priority.

A special attention is deserved and the Swedish modelMyrdal, one of the Nobel Prize laureates. This model takes into account the peculiarities that have developed in the Swedish society, which is a country with high guarantees of material and social security of the population.
Thus, we can say thatWestern European model of management was not formed in a single country, it passed a long period of evolution in each of the European states, and only the best principles were then transformed into pan-European ones, however, due to their flexibility they allow to take into account the specificity of each state separately. It is on such foundations of management that there is a modern European Union.

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