When this disease develops,gradual appearance on the mucous surface of various in size and shape of sores. In this case, pain can also increase. Experts warn that erosive antral gastritis is not easy to treat. In this article, we will dwell in more detail on the causes of its occurrence and describe possible methods of treatment.

What is an erotic antrum gastritis?

erosive antral gastritis

  • In total, the specialists allocate a fewclassifications of gastroenterological diseases, our case specifically refers to type "B". The thing is that about 85% of cases of the appearance of this disease are associated with the emergence and vigorous activity on the gastric mucosa of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Consistently the bacterium causes irreparable damage to the habitat, which then leads to the formation of small inflammatory processes, which in turn disrupt the primary functions of protecting the shell.
  • Then gradually on the walls of the stomach are formedsmall sores, as already noted above, which are difficult enough to treat. Moreover, in some cases serious complications can even arise.

Erosive antral gastritis. Causes of appearance

how to treat an erosive gastritis

  • Consumption on a regular basis of fatty, salty and fried foods.
  • Overeating (in particular at night).
  • Abuse of strong drinks (black tea, coffee), including alcohol.
  • If the special diet is not followed after already transferred gastroenteritis.

How to treat an erosive gastritis. First step

First of all, experts stronglyrecommend fully to cleanse the body and only after this procedure go directly to the therapy itself. Often patients go hungry for several days under the close supervision of the attending physician. At this time, only black tea and some mineral water can be eaten. All other products are strictly prohibited. The thing is that the above-described process of starvation allows the body, in particular the stomach, to restore its previously lost digestive functions.

erosive antrum gastritis
How to treat erosive antral gastritis. Second phase

At the second stage comes the so-called therapeuticfood. Indeed, as practice shows, these two phases are often the most effective in such a diagnosis as erosive antral gastritis. Experts recommend eating often, but in small portions. The first days after the end of fasting, the diet should consist mainly of mashed porridge and mashed potatoes, then you can add small pieces of low-fat meat. Also useful are low-fat soups on the water. Often, in the absence of improvement in the patient's condition, specialists prescribe medication in parallel. It implies a course of antibiotics of various groups (penicillin, etc.). Recently, a growing number of patients have resorted to the so-called traditional medicine. However, experts believe that with such a disease it is better to resort to the help of more traditional courses of treatment.

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