The medicine "Bifidumbacterin" is issued in the form ofPowder for oral administration and in tablet form. It is a means of microbial lyophilized mixture of live bacteria of the strain Bifidobacterium bifidum 1, sorbed on activated carbon particles, mixed with lactose. The drug has antagonistic activity, affecting pathogenic (Salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus aureus) and conditionally pathogenic (Klebsiella, Proteus and others) microorganisms. Sorbed live bacteria normalizes the recovery in the mucous membranes, the synthesis of amino acids and vitamins, parietal digestion, and enhance the body's immune defenses. From 70 to 230 rubles - this is the price of "Bifidumbacterin".

bifidumbacterin price instruction

Instructions. Indications

The drug is recommended for children from the first days of life(premature, including), adults (in all age groups), nursing and pregnant to prevent and eliminate symptoms of dysbacteriosis of different localization and the nature of the onset. The drug is indicated for the treatment of respiratory viral and intestinal infections of acute course. An agent is prescribed for chronic pathologies with lesions in the organs of the digestive tract (peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, diseases of the bile duct and liver) complicated by dysbiosis. The medication "Bifidumbacterin" is recommended for use in food poisoning, chronic constipation, malabsorption syndrome. The indications include allergic pathologies, accompanied by violations of the balance of intestinal microflora, diarrhea in patients who have been receiving antibacterial drugs for a long time, antibiotics, hormones, NSAIDs. As a preventive medicine recommended to prevent nosocomial infections, dysbiosis in children, often with colds.

bifidumbacterin tablets

Medication "Bifidumbacterin". Instructions for use

The medicine is taken with food or regardless of food(if necessary). Before use, the powder mixes with the liquid. It is desirable - with sour-milk product. For newborns the preparation "Bifidumbacterin" instructions for use allows you to add to baby food or breast milk. You can dissolve the drug in water (30-50 ml). This will result in a cloudy suspension with particles of coal. The medicine in this case is drunk without waiting for complete dissolution. The drug "Bifidumbacterin" (pills) is recommended for adolescents and adults. In accordance with the severity of the course of the pathology, dosage is established. The scheme of application is determined for patients individually. For prevention, the drug is prescribed two to three times a year for 10-15 days.

bifidumbacterin instructions for use

Adverse reactions and contraindications

The medicine is transferred by patients of all agecategories are very good. In practice, there are no cases of occurrence of negative consequences of therapy or prevention. As a contraindication to the drug "Bifidumbacterin" instruction for use indicates only the individual intolerance of the components. Caution during admission should be observed with lactase deficiency.

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