Diabetes mellitus is a very common endocrine disease. 90% of all cases have type 2 diabetes.

This type is characterized by a high content of blood sugar in the result of improper carbohydrate metabolism.

The second type of diabetes is mainlypeople prone to obesity are over 45 years old. Unlike diabetes of the first type, when insulin is not produced, at the second - insulin is produced, but the sensitivity of the organism to it is reduced, it becomes inactive.

Causes of the emergence of diabetes to the end is notstudied. It develops slowly and asymptomatically. Often the disease is detected on medical examinations or in the treatment of other diseases. There may be signs such as strong thirst, frequent and profuse urination, dry mouth, itchy skin, fast fatigue, a constant feeling of hunger, furunculosis.

Diabetes mellitus of any type is incurable, but with ityou can live happily ever after if you follow all the doctor's recommendations. The main role in preserving the quality of life for type 2 diabetes is proper nutrition. The diet will help to normalize the level of glucose in the blood even without drugs.

So, what is recommended for diabetic type 2?

Since this disease is broken metabolismcarbohydrates, the main task is to restore it. This can be achieved if they enter the body at regular intervals. Only proper nutrition can be controlled by type 2 diabetes. Diet for the patient is made by a doctor-endocrinologist taking into account the age, weight, sex, lifestyle.

First of all, you need to remember the basic principles of nutrition in diabetes.

Take food often - up to six timesin a day. Observe diet strictly by the hour. Half of the consumed fats are fats of vegetable origin. Every day you need to include vegetables in your diet. All nutrients must be present daily.

The diet for type 2 diabetes must necessarily contain low-fat dairy products, milk, meals from it.

It is necessary to completely exclude from the diet: sweets, chocolate, sugar, ice cream, jam, jam, cakes, cakes and other sweets. It is not recommended to eat figs, raisins, etc. It is necessary to limit or exclude the use of mayonnaise, butter, bacon, sausages, sausages, margarine, fatty meat and fish, cream, fat cottage cheese and cheese, seeds, nuts, offal, fried, hot, smoked, salted.

Patients with type 2 diabetes are usually prone to obesity, so their diet should be aimed at reducing weight. The calorie count is very important in the nutrition of such patients.

A second type of diabetes with a normalweight is required per day from 1600 to 2000 kcal, depending on lifestyle and growth. Full need less caloric food - per kilogram of weight is required from 10 to 20 kcal.

Proteins, carbohydrates and fats are used in the proportion: 20% protein, 30% fat, 50% carbohydrates. All vegetables, except potatoes, can be eaten without restrictions.

Diabetes in type 2 diabetes can includelean meat, black bread (about 200 grams). Cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, beets, turnips, greens - without restrictions. But carrots and potatoes - in small quantities. Berries and fruits should be chosen sour-sweet and sour (about 300 grams). From drinks it is recommended to drink green and black tea, milk, tomato juice, soft coffee, drinks from chicory, juice from sour berries and fruits.

From alcohol such patients should be discarded, since alcoholic beverages are a high-calorie product.

The diet for type 2 diabetes must be designed so that the diet is varied. It is necessary to arrange dairy, fish, vegetable, meat days.

Thus, with this disease it is necessarystrictly adhere to the diet and eat low-calorie foods. Diet in type 2 diabetes should be maintained throughout life. It is proper nutrition - a pledge of normal high-grade life.

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