Many women do notby hearsay know what colpitis is. In women, this disease is characterized by inflammation of the vaginal mucosa and is one of the most common female pathologies. According to statistics, every 3-rd woman in modern times suffers from different forms of colpitis, often without even knowing about it. Moreover, according to some sources, there are practically no such women who at least once in their life did not suffer this disease.

What is colpitis in women?

Pathogens of the disease

The direct causative agents of colpitis in women are bacteria, fungi and viruses.

  • When the cause of the inflammatory process is bacteria, bacterial colpitis occurs. It can cause protey, gardnerella, E. coli, staphylococcus, streptococcus.
  • Fungal colpitis, more popularly known as thrush, provokes mushrooms of the genus Candida.
  • Viral inflammation can also be caused by various viruses, such as the papilloma virus, cytomegalovirus or herpes.

Causes of colpitis

Inflammation of the vaginal mucosa can be caused bya variety of factors. In most cases, the culprits are pathogens. The natural microflora of the vagina in the body of a healthy woman successfully suppresses their vital functions. However, when malfunctions occur in her work, she is unable to cope with the pathogenic flora. Among such factors are:

  • Colpitis signs and treatment
    Different in nature in the femaleorganism infectious diseases. They greatly weaken the microflora of the vagina and thereby provoke inflammation. In this case, there is a nonspecific colpitis.
  • Diseases that are transmitted sexually. The representatives of the stronger sex can not develop colpitis, but men themselves can cause this disease in women.
  • Damage to the vaginal mucosa, havingmechanical nature. In most cases, they occur with frequent sexual intercourse or during childbirth, in rare cases, the development of colpitis is also capable of using vibrators.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system. Usually, if there are violations in the work of even one endocrine gland, a hormonal failure occurs in the female body, which leads to the appearance of many ailments, including problems with the microflora of the vagina.
  • Prolonged use of antibiotics. As you know, taking antimicrobial drugs affects the entire body, weakening immunity and making it vulnerable to various diseases.
  • Allergic reactions. The appearance of colpitis can be associated with the use of special ointments, suppositories for the vagina or condoms.
  • Non-compliance with personal hygiene. For this reason, the microflora of the vagina is suppressed, the natural consequence of which is the inflammatory process.


In order to fully understand thatsuch colpitis in women, it is necessary to consider the features of the manifestation of this disease and its characteristic symptoms. So, it is possible to suspect the presence of this illness in the body if you observe such manifestations:

  • Burning and itching of the genitals, intensifying during menstruation, after sexual intercourse and with physical activity.
  • Various in their characteristics abundant vaginal discharge (milk, curd, purulent, foamy, blood), which have an unpleasant odor.
  • Edema and redness of the external genitalia.
  • Pain during sex, aching pain localized in the lower abdomen.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Frequent urination.

Colpitis symptoms in women
These symptoms of colpitis in women can havea different degree of severity, which depends on the form of inflammation and the cause of its occurrence. Thus, in the acute form of the disease, the symptoms of inflammation are pronounced and cause serious discomfort in the patient, while in the chronic form they appear rather poorly.

Colpit species

  • Atrophic colpitis. The disease is diagnosed whenthe cause of the development of the inflammatory process in the vagina was the decrease in the female body of the level of estrogen. In most cases, this ailment occurs in the fair sex after menopause, when, due to a decrease in the level of estrogen in the body, the vagina becomes almost defenseless before infection.
  • Candida colpitis. It is an inflammation of the mucosavagina, resulting from the defeat of yeast-like fungi. Most often, candidal colpitis is diagnosed along with lesions of the vulvar mucosa. This ailment is mainly found in women of reproductive age. In particular, pregnant women are at risk.
  • Trichomonas colpitis. It is a widespread disease,sexually transmitted infections. Often trichomonatal colpitis in women is combined with inflammation of the urethra and cervix. Mostly the disease has a chronic course with occasional periods of exacerbations.

How to ease the symptoms of colpitis before diagnosis?

Before the delivery of the necessary tests for diagnosis, it is highly discouraged to begin treatment, as it can distort the results of laboratory tests.

candles with colpitis

The only drug that specialistsit is recommended to take for the relief of such manifestations of the disease as having an uncharacteristic smell or kind of vaginal discharge, as well as strong itching of the genital organs, is the drug "Fluomizin." This means - a broad spectrum antiseptic - will help in a short time to eliminate discomfort and at the same time, which is very important, will not affect the results of the tests.


Knowing what colpitis is in women, and suspectingyourself first signs of this disease, you must immediately visit a specialist. Reliably to learn about presence or absence in an organism of this illness it is possible only only after diagnostic inspection.

In addition to examining the gynecologist, a woman needspass bacterial diagnosis, consisting in taking smears from the vagina, cervical canal and urethra. Another method of diagnosing this disease is colposcopy, in which the vaginal mucosa is examined for the presence of lesions.

colpitis in women

Colpitis in women: treatment

Colpitis treatment should be comprehensive andbased on an individual approach to each of the patients. With the diagnosis of colpitis, the signs and treatment of the disease depend on the physiological characteristics of the female body, and therefore the selection of funds is made only after the delivery of all necessary tests and careful examination of the patient and, very importantly, her sexual partner.

To eliminate colpitis, as a rule, are appointedetiotropic drugs and anti-inflammatory drugs. Antibacterial drugs are powerless before colpitis, as many pathogens of the action of antibiotics are tolerated fairly persistently. In rare cases, antibiotic therapy can still be prescribed, but antibiotics will be used locally (in the form of solutions and emulsions) and for a short time.

The specialist should identify concomitant colpitisdisease and also prescribe a course of their treatment. An important point in getting rid of this ailment is abstinence from sexual intimacy with a man for the entire period of treatment.

inflammation of the vaginal mucosa

Colpitis treatment with candles

Effective tool to help get rid ofcolpit, are candles. Often, the treatment of the disease uses "Terzhinan" suppositories, which are an antifungal and antimicrobial drug that has an anti-inflammatory effect. The candles "Vokadin", "Klion-D100", "Pimafucin" also proved to be very good.

With colpitis, accompanied by mycoplasmosis,chlamydia or ureaplasmosis, candles "Genferon" are shown, which must necessarily be combined with such tablets as "Fluconazole" or "Metronidazole". Apply candles for colpitis is necessary only for the doctor's prescription.

Sanitation as a method of treatment of colpitis

To treat colpitis, experts recommendto carry out sanation of the vagina and vulva. To this end, a woman needs to perform erosion. Effective washing with broths of herbs (marigold, sage, chamomile) or with a weak solution of manganese.

In acute forms of the disease and purulent dischargefrom the vagina showing syringing decoction of chamomile, as well as a special compound, prepared from a solution of manganese and rivanol. It is important to pay attention to the fact that douching is forbidden for more than three days in a row, because otherwise you can disrupt the normal microflora of the vagina.

Candles with colpitis

To perform sanation still usepasteurized peach oil and rosehip oil, as well as an emulsion of streptomycin. It is necessary to mix all the fluids and the resulting composition for one week to treat the walls of the vagina. Excellent vaginal baths with infusion of chamomile and chlorophyllipt have proven themselves.

Having considered what is colpitis in women, we cameto the conclusion that this is an extremely unpleasant illness, the treatment of which should not be postponed. Timely diagnosis and appropriate response measures will help to quickly and effectively eliminate colpitis and prevent its development into a chronic form.

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