The stomach is, perhaps, the most vulnerable organin the human body. His condition reflects everything that we eat, the quantity and quality of food, the time it is taken, the health of the teeth and the ability to chew properly. In addition, the state of the nervous system is important, since stresses negatively affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

symptoms of chronic gastritis

Any of these factors can provoke the inflammatory process of the inner surface of the stomach - gastritis. If the inflammation periodically resumes, then the disease is classified as chronic.

Gastritis has no age limit and canmanifest themselves even in children, most often in schoolchildren. The child may complain of abdominal pain, but when the pain calms down, the parents do not hurry to go to the doctors. The delayed diagnosis of chronic gastritis, of course, only aggravates the condition of the stomach.

Self-diagnosis is complicated by the variety of manifestations of the disease. At different stages, with different etymologies, the symptoms of chronic gastritis differ. Pain is only one of them.

exacerbation of chronic gastritis

Unpleasant painful feelings occur inhalf of those who have this disease. They can appear before meals, during and after meals. It depends on the activity of secretory glands producing gastric juice.

With increased acidity, the symptoms of chronicgastritis is complicated by frequent acidic eructations, nausea, and sometimes vomiting that occur after eating. Another possible sign is heartburn. Many try at home to get rid of these unpleasant sensations with the help of folk remedies - solutions of baking soda or milk. But this can not solve the problem, and with frequent manifestations of these signs it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.

If the acidity is low, then pain canadd up arising without any apparent cause disorders in the bowel: diarrhea followed by constipation and vice versa. Appetite decreases noticeably, weight is lost.

A feature of the disease is that sometimesthe symptoms of chronic gastritis at first glance are not related to the gastrointestinal tract. A person has heart palpitations (tachycardia), noise in the ears, frequent dizziness. The ill feels the numbness of the fingers on the arms and legs, which is caused by a prolonged shortage of vitamin B12 in the blood, which is characteristic of the patients - this also causes an exacerbation of chronic gastritis.

diagnosis of chronic gastritis
Disease can manifest itself externally - incondition of hair, nails, which become brittle and brittle. In the corners of the lips may form a jam, when cleaning teeth - gums bleed. All this is a consequence of improper operation of the stomach and poor absorption of nutrients. Cosmetic means in this case are powerless, and only timely detection of the disease and qualified treatment can eliminate the external symptoms of chronic gastritis and restore health and beauty.

The insidiousness of the disease is caused by a variety of manifestations, which should become an alarm signal and an occasion for a visit to the doctor.

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