Thrush of the oral cavity - prettya common ailment of young children. Almost every mother faces this problem. So how to treat thrush in newborns? What are the causes and symptoms of this disease? These questions are of interest to many.

how to treat thrush in newborns

Thrush in the mouth of a newborn: the causes of the disease

Thrush is an infectious disease, the causative agentwhich are fungal organisms related to the genus Candida. There are several ways to infect a child. If the mother's organism is infected with pathogenic fungi, then the baby can catch the infection during childbirth.

Nevertheless, most often microorganisms fall intoa mouth, together with dirty nipples, toys and other things. It should be noted that the state of the immune system of the baby is of great importance here. For example, statistics confirm that this disease is more often found in children with too weak immunity, as well as those who were born before the term.

Thrush in a newborn in the mouth

This disease is accompanied by very characteristicsymptoms that are difficult to not notice. And before you are interested in how to treat thrush in newborns, it is worth familiar with its main signs.

thrush in the mouth of a newborn

Fungal organisms affect the mucous membrane,on which in due course there are small whitish spots. First they can be seen on the inner surface of the cheeks, and also not in the tongue and in the sky. But, as the disease progresses, these films increase in size and can appear on any part of the mucous membrane, including the lips. In the future, the formation of a plaque begins, which in its consistency resembles cottage cheese.

Such changes affect the behavior of the baby. After all, the formation of a film is accompanied by pain. The child often cries, becomes more restless and irritable. Because of the constant discomfort, children often refuse to eat and drink.

In the presence of such symptoms, it is better to immediately take the baby to the pediatrician.

How to treat thrush in newborns?

thrush in the newborn in the mouth

To begin with, the doctor will carefully examine the oralthe cavity of a small patient and ask parents a few questions. Only after this it will be possible to prescribe a treatment. As a rule, specialists prescribe a solution of baking soda (concentration no more than 6%) or niacin. Preparations need to lubricate the mucous membrane of the child's mouth four times a day.

In any case, remember that on how to treatthrush in newborns, you can tell only the doctor. Do not treat yourself alone. On the other hand, if there are several useful recommendations that will help not only to get rid of the disease faster, but also to prevent its development in the future.

It is very important to monitor the purity of the oral cavitythe baby. First, carefully monitor the things that, for one reason or another, fall into the child's mouth. This applies to the nipples, toys and other things. Do not forget that you need to rinse the nipples as often as possible, and the bottle (if you use it) needs regular sterilization.

Do not neglect and hygienic rules- Before each feeding, the breast needs to be cleaned. And after each feeding, give the child a drink of some boiled water to rinse the mouth.

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