Modern doctors are not so easy to answerquestions about vasculitis, as with the causes of the appearance of the disease have not figured out until now. And vasculitis is not one, but a whole group of diseases that affect tissues or organs and are characterized by inflammatory processes and destruction of the walls of blood vessels.

Vasculitis - symptoms

Depending on what tissues and organsaffects the disease, there are also different symptoms. For example, if the nervous system is affected, sensitivity is impaired (it is completely lost or becomes hypersensitive); if the disease traumatizes the skin, then there is a rash; blood supply to the brain or heart is impaired, the risk of a stroke or heart attack increases, etc.

By common signs to calculate the disease almostis impossible. Fatigue and weakness, pallor and temperature, loss of appetite - these manifestations are hardly noticeable for most residents of cities. Vasculitis symptoms masks perfectly, so if you are just beginning to suspect something, contact your doctor immediately.

Depending on the origin of vasculitis,divided into two types: primary and secondary. Primary vasculitis is an independent disease, does not need to be accompanied by other diseases, it causes serious damage to the skin and organs. Secondary vasculitis manifests symptoms with more aggression, appears with concomitant infections, is capable of causing irreparable harm. Treatment of both the first and the second is mandatory!

Vasculitis is divided into many "subspecies", depending on the affected tissues. You can observe the manifestation:

- Systemic necrotic vasculitis (nodular periarteritis, mixed vasculitis, micro-polyangiitis);

giant cell arteritis;

- hemorrhagic vasculitis;

- Wegener's granulomatosis;

- nonspecific aortoarteritis;

- Takayasu's illness;

- Allergic skin vasculitis;

- Behcet's disease;

- Kawasaki's disease.

All of them differ in the severity of the course, treatment, complications and symptoms. It is possible to say unequivocally what names of the disease a patient has after careful examination and the delivery of tests.

Vasculitis - the causes of the appearance

The first reason is immune diseases. When the body is weakened, there are no obstacles to the penetration of pathogens into it. Vasculitis is no exception - it penetrates and begins to destroy the organs.

The second reason is an allergic reaction to medications.

The third reason is a complication after a severe infection.

The fourth reason is autoimmune and chronic diseases.

Vasculitis - diagnosis and treatment

Since vasculitis is a whole group of diseases,which are differently manifested and have an unequal nature of appearance, the diagnosis is carried out only by doctors in clinics. Doctors rely on already known symptoms, prescribe tests.

Treatment is based on the results of the tests, depending on the concomitant disease (if any). The main thing is not to start the disease, to start timely treatment.

In the treatment of vasculitis, chemotherapy is used insmall doses, corticosteroids. The goal of the treatment is to restore the immune system and the functions of damaged organs, to prevent further destruction of the blood vessels, to restore blood supply in the tissues. If you correctly treat vasculitis, the symptoms will eventually go away, gradually the tissues and organs will recover, the body will return to normal.

As with any disease, if you followrecommendations of the doctor, recovery will come necessarily. During the period of treatment, use vitamins and mineral complexes, they will contribute to a quick recovery. Eat fruits and vegetables, do sports - it's simple and effective, and the results will not take long to wait.

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